SSSA is involved in the Subproject 9 Scenarios, Sustainability,Dissemination & Training, in particularly in the Work Package4. This KPI, developed at SSSA, measures the most importanteffects in the EU/Rest of the World Steel Trade due to theimplementation of a new technology: a quantitative approachhas been used in order to evaluate the EU raw materialdependence from the rest of the world and an approachboth qualitative and quantitative has been used in order tocalculate the variations in the EU competitiveness. An importantconsideration in the development of KPIs is the selection of theappropriate measurement categories. The selection is based,first of all, on the quantification of the European dependencethrough the weight of the non EU supplier countries andthrough the weight of the most important raw materials in theproduction process, then on the measurement of the Europeancompetitiveness. The article describes the methodology andthe algorithms applied in the steel sector. Finally, some resultsare shown and discussed.