The Geography of Opportunity: Race and Housing Choice in
Metropolitan America. Edited by Xavier de Souza Briggs. Washington,
DC: The Brookings Institution, 2005. 353p. $29.95.
The Social Medicine Reader: Health Policy, Markets, and
Medicine. 2d ed. Edited by Jonathan Oberlander, Larry R. Churchill,
Susan E. Estroff, Gail E. Henderson, Nancy M. P. King, and Ronald P.
Strauss. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2005. 288p. $22.95.
These two books, each in its own way, provide much-needed resources
for thinking about how public policies should change to address the latest
developments associated with the enduring problem of unequal access to
basic resources in U.S. society, including housing and health care. In
recent years, unequal access to affordable and decent housing and uneven
access to affordable and decent health care both have taken on new
features posing new challenges for participants in the public policymaking
process. The Geography of Opportunity, edited by Xavier de Souza
Briggs, brings together a set of richly detailed essays that look at the
housing disparity problem from the increasingly popular perspective of
regionalism; and The Social Medicine Reader, edited by Jonathan
Oberlander and colleagues, offers an equally informative group of essays
that range more widely to address a variety of issues concerning the
changed landscape of health care in the United States today. Both books
are likely to prove to be critical resources for energizing renewed
efforts to make policy less exclusionary in each area.