During the last several decades there has been much financial investment in the cold regions on projects (mining, oil and gas, etc) that can be the source of ground contamination and that require actions to prevent, mitigate, or remedy such effects. Yet contamination in freezing ground and its remediation have been the subject of research largely only in the last 10 years. This is a short time in terms of research and subsequent technology development, particularly as so few scientists are involved. Probably, therefore, many significant advances remain to be made.
Normally in the development of new technologies there is a driving financial input from industrial activity; a certain, if small, percentage of expenditures goes towards research and development. In the case of major geotechnical, contaminant-remediation projects in the cold regions, it appears that a substantially smaller percentage of expenditures than might be expected is going into inherently necessary research. The implication is that contamination management is not developing at a rate that would be the most effective and cost-efficient. The reasons for this are examined with regard to international funding of major construction projects in cold regions, and the associated requirements for contaminant management, and political and societal pressures. The potential scientific advances are examined and it is concluded that not only the contaminant management industry (consultants, contractors) but the industries behind cold-regions development and society more generally, would benefit greatly from an understanding of and provision for such advances.