Ramensin premix was launched onto the UK market in 1978 and became the first non hormonal feed additive for beef cattle.
Since that time it has become the most widely used feed additive worldwide and has been shown both by Elanco research and independent research to improve the utilisation of feed by 10%.
However, until recently the only method of administration of Romensin was via the feed or incorporated in a feed block.
At pasture, if grass is of sufficient quality, it may be unnecessary to feed a supplement thus losing the carrier for Romensin, for a large part of the summer season. During this period of time, the farmer may thus be missing out on an opportunity to achieve the optimum utilisation of feed.
As a result of recent research it may now be possible for beef producers to feed Romensin the whole year round. Romensin has been incorporated in a ruminal delivery device containing 16.5 g of monensin sodium designed to delivery 90 - 100 mg of monensin sodium daily over a period of 150 days.