Four perturbation theories presently used to compute asteroid proper elements are reviewed, and their results are briefly discussed (Milani and Knežević, 1990, 1992, 1994, for low to moderate eccentricity/inclination main belt objects; Lemaitre and Morbidelli, 1994, for high e, I objects; Milani, 1993, for Trojans; Schubart, 1982, 1991 for Hildas). The most important recent improvements are described, in particular those pertaining to the upgrades of the previous analytic and semianalytic solutions. The dynamical structure of the asteroid main belt, as defined by the low order mean motion resonances and by linear and nonlinear secular resonances, is considered from the point of view of the effects of these resonances on the accuracy and/or reliability of the computation of proper elements and on the reliability of the identification of asteroid families.