An investigation of parameters of a sample of more than two hundred late-type long-period variable stars (LPVs) has been carried out. In more detail were studied 13 giants (Mira Ceti-type variables R Aql, RR Aql, RT Aql, R Leo, U Ori, U Her, R Cas, R Tau, Z Cyg, R Peg, U Aur and semiregular variables RT Vir and RX Boo) and 2 supergiants (S Per, PZ Cas). A considerable fraction of the sample stars (about one third) possess circumstellar maser emission in molecular spectral lines (OH, H20, SiO). Our aim was to elucidate the particularities of photometric characteristics of maser stars, such as period P, amplitude A, light curve asymmetry f = (M-m)/P, and, in prospect, to determine their status in course of their evolution on the asymptotic giant branch. An extensive comparison with non-maser LPVs was made.