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Privacy policy
Author data
Author data are stored securely on our internal database alongside the manuscript of their paper/contribution, to which only the Editor and Assistant Editor have access as applicable. In the case of multi-authored contributions only the data relating to a principal author is held beyond publication of the relevant paper/contribution. These data are held indefinitely in our system as this is considered necessary for our legitimate interests in the continued process of academic publication of the society’s journal. By publishing in PPS authors agree to their name and affiliation being published within the journal.
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Editorial board members’ data
Editorial board member data are held in order to keep the editorial listing both online and in print up to date. The legal basis for this processing is that it is necessary for our legitimate interests (to publish the journal). The data are held securely in our internal database accessible only to the Editor and Assistant Editor of PPS. These data are shared only with our publisher, Cambridge University Press, who have all necessary compliances in place. By accepting an invitation to join the editorial board, members agree to their name and affiliation being published within the journal. We have a policy of keeping editorial board member data indefinitely, as it can be justified as a legitimate interest of our business.
Reviewers’ data
Reviewers’ personal data are held by the journal’s Editor and Assistant Editor as it is necessary for our legitimate interests (to peer review articles and publish the journal). The journal has a strict policy of anonymous peer review and these data are not passed to any other individual (including authors and other reviewers) or institution, nor to our publisher, without the express, written permission of the reviewer.