1. Introduction
Landis and Oleinik in [Reference Landis and Oleinik28] asked the following question:
Question A: Let $u$ be a bounded solution to the following parabolic differential inequality

in $\mathbb {R}^n \times [-T,\, 0]$ such that for some $\epsilon >0$

Then is $u \equiv 0$ in $\mathbb {R}^{n} \times [-T,\, 0]$
In other words, if a solution $u$ to (1.1) decays more than the Gaussian as $|x| \to \infty$
, then is $u\equiv 0$
? This is a very natural question in the study of parabolic partial differential equations. This question was answered in affirmative in the work [Reference Escauriaza, Kenig, Ponce and Vega17] where among other things, the authors showed that the following decay estimate at infinity holds for bounded solutions to (1.1) provided

Now using estimate (1.3), the answer to the Landis–Oleinik conjecture is seen as follows:
Assume that the decay as in (1.2) holds. Since

as $R \to \infty$, thus from (1.3) it follows that $u(\cdot,\, 0) \equiv 0$
in $B_1$
. Now by applying the space like strong unique continuation result in [Reference Escauriaza and Fernández14, Reference Escauriaza, Fernández and Vessella15] we deduce that $u(\cdot,\, 0) \equiv 0$
in $\mathbb {R}^n$
. Subsequently by applying the backward uniqueness result in [Reference Chen13, Reference Escauriaza, Seregin and Sverak19, Reference Poon34] we find that $u \equiv 0$
in $\mathbb {R}^n \times (-T,\, 0]$
We also refer to [Reference Escauriaza, Kenig, Ponce and Vega18, Theorem 4] for a related result. See also [Reference Escauriaza, Kenig, Ponce and Vega16] for a further sharpening of the result in [Reference Escauriaza, Kenig, Ponce and Vega18]. The proof of inequality (1.3) in [Reference Escauriaza, Kenig, Ponce and Vega17] is based on a fairly non-trivial application of a Carleman estimate derived in the pioneering work of Escauriaza–Fernandez–Vessella in [Reference Escauriaza and Fernández14, Reference Escauriaza, Fernández and Vessella15] on space like strong unique continuation for local parabolic equations combined with an appropriate rescaling argument inspired by ideas in [Reference Bourgain and Kenig12]. It is to be noted that such results are also of interest in control theory, see for instance [Reference Micu and Zuazua32]. They have also turned out to be useful in the regularity theory for Navier Stokes equations, see [Reference Seregin and Sverak42].
Finally, in order to put things in the right historical perspective, we comment on some related decay results in the stationary case. In 1960s, Landis (see [Reference Kondratev and Landis26]) conjectured that if $v$ is a bounded solution to

with $||W||_{L^{\infty }} \leq 1$ and $|v(x)| \leq Ce^{-C|x|^{1+}}$
, then $v \equiv 0$
. This conjecture was disproved by Meshkov in [Reference Meshkov31] who constructed a complex valued $W$
and a non-trivial $v$
satisfying $|v(x)| \leq Ce^{-C|x|^{4/3}}$
. Bourgain and Kenig in [Reference Bourgain and Kenig12] showed that if $v$
is a bounded solution to (1.4) with $||W||_{L^{\infty }} \leq 1$
, then one has

Estimate (1.5) constitutes a sharp quantitative decay result for (1.4) in view of Meshkov's result and moreover, it was used by the authors in [Reference Bourgain and Kenig12] in their resolution of Anderson localization for the Bernoulli problem. It remains an open problem whether Landis's conjecture is true for real valued $W$ and $v$
. In [Reference Kenig, Silvestre and Wang25] Kenig–Silvestre–Wang proved Landis's conjecture in $\mathbb {R}^2$
for $W\geq 0.$
This was accomplished by reducing the original equation to an inhomogeneous $d-$
bar ($\overline {\partial }$
) problem and then by applying a Carleman estimate for $\overline {\partial }$
. Subsequently, the sign assumption on $W$
has been removed in [Reference Logunov, Malinnikova, Nadirashvili and Nazarov30] which thus resolves the Landis conjecture in the planar case. We also refer to [Reference Rüland and Wang39] for a Landis-type decay result for fractional Laplacian-type equations of the form

1.1. Statement of the main results
In this work, motivated by the historical developments in the local case outlined above, we derive the following non-local analogue of the estimate in (1.3). We refer to § 2 for the relevant notions and notations. The following is our main result.
Theorem 1.1 For $s\in [\frac {1}{2},\, 1)$, let $u \in \text {Dom}(H^s)$
be a solution to

in $\mathbb {R}^n \times [-T,\, 0]$ where $||V||_{ C^{2}(\mathbb {R}^n \times [-T,\, 0])} \leq C$
. Assume that for some $0< \mathfrak {K}< T$

Then there exists universal $M>1,$ large enough depending on $\theta,\, s,\, n,\, \mathfrak {K}$
and $C$
, such that $\forall x_0 \in \mathbb {R}^n$
with $|x_0| \geq M$
we have

As a consequence of theorem 1.1, the following ‘average in time’ version of the Landis–Oleinik type result follows in our non-local setting.
Corollary 1.2 For $s\in [\frac {1}{2},\, 1)$, let $u \in \text {Dom}(H^s)$
be a solution to (1.6) in $\mathbb {R}^n \times [-T,\, 0]$
. If for some $\epsilon >0$
and $0< \mathfrak {K}< T$
, we have that

then $u \equiv 0$ in $\mathbb {R}^n \times [-T,\, 0]$
The following remarks are in order.
Remark 1.3 The condition that $s\geq 1/2$ in theorem 1.1 and corollary 1.2 is presently a technical obstruction. We need it very crucially in our analysis in the proof of the key Carleman estimate in theorem 3.5. We also need an average in time decay assumption in corollary 1.2 instead of the pointwise decay assumption in question A. We refer to the subsection 1.2 below for discussion on both these aspects as to why such restrictions are necessary in our present work.
Remark 1.4 We also mention that for the fractional heat-type operators and the associated extension problem, so far all the strong unique continuation results in the literature which have used Carleman estimates or the frequency function approach as in [Reference Arya and Banerjee2, Reference Arya, Banerjee, Danielli and Garofalo3, Reference Banerjee and Garofalo5, Reference Banerjee and Ghosh8, Reference Felli, Primo and Siclari21] have required differentiability of the zero-order perturbation of the weighted Dirichlet to Neumann map. It remains to be seen whether Carleman estimates can be established for the extension problem in (2.9) which only has bounded zero-order perturbation of the associated Dirichlet to Neumann map (i.e. when $\lim _{x_{n+1} \to 0^+} x_{n+1}^a \partial _{x_{n+1}} U =Vu$ with $V \in L^{\infty }$
). If one can achieve the above, then it is possible to upgrade our results for solutions to fractional differential inequality of the type

1.2. Key ideas in the proof of theorem 1.1:
The following are the key steps in the proof of our main result theorem 1.1.
Step 1: Via a compactness argument as in lemma 3.1 with a monotonicity in time result in [Reference Arya, Banerjee, Danielli and Garofalo3, Lemma 3.1], we first show that a non-degeneracy condition at the boundary for the non-local problem as in (1.7) implies a similar non-vanishing condition for the corresponding extension problem (2.11). See lemma 3.3 below.
Step 2: Then by means of a quantitative monotonicity in time result as in lemma 3.4 and a quantitative Carleman-type estimate as in theorem 3.5, we show by adapting the rescaling arguments in [Reference Escauriaza, Kenig, Ponce and Vega17] that the solution $U$ to the corresponding extension problem satisfies a similar decay estimate at infinity as in (1.8) above. See theorem 4.3 below. We would like to mention that both lemma 3.4 and the Carleman estimate in theorem 3.5 are subtle variants of the estimates recently established by two of us in [Reference Banerjee and Ghosh8]. The main new feature of both the results is a certain quantitative dependence of the estimates on the rescaling parameter $R$
(see (3.15) below) as $R \to \infty$
. This is precisely where we require $s \geq 1/2$
Step 3: The decay estimate at infinity for the extension problem is then transferred to the non-local problem by using a propagation of smallness estimate derived in [Reference Arya and Banerjee2]. Such a propagation of smallness estimate constitutes the parabolic analogue of the one due to Ruland and Salo in [Reference Rüland and Salo38]. It is to be noted that via the propagation of smallness estimate in (4.30) below, the transfer of the decay information from the bulk in the extension problem (2.11) to the boundary in the non-local problem (1.6) occurs only in ‘space-time’ regions and not at a given time level. This is precisely why we require an ‘average in time’ decay assumption in corollary 1.2 instead of a pointwise decay assumption at $t=0$ for the non-local Landis–Oleinik type result to hold.
For various results on unique continuation for non-local fractional Laplacian-type equations and its time-dependent counterpart, we refer to [Reference Arya and Banerjee2–Reference Banerjee and Garofalo6, Reference Banerjee and Ghosh8–Reference Bellova and Lin11, Reference Fall and Felli20, Reference Felli, Primo and Siclari21, Reference Lai, Lin and Rüland27, Reference Rüland35–Reference Roncal, Stan and Vega40, Reference Yu44, Reference Zhu45], each of which are either based on Carleman estimates as in [Reference Aronszajn, Krzywicki and Szarski1] or on the frequency function approach as in [Reference Garofalo and Lin23] followed by a blowup argument.
The paper is organized as follows. In § 2, we introduce some basic notations and notions and gather some known results that are relevant for our work. In § 3, we prove our key estimates in lemma 3.4 and theorem 3.5. In § 4, we finally prove our main results theorem 1.1 and corollary 1.2.
2. Preliminaries
In this section, we introduce the relevant notation and gather some auxiliary results that will be useful in the rest of the paper. Generic points in $\mathbb {R}^n \times \mathbb {R}$ will be denoted by $(x_0,\, t_0),\, (x,\,t)$
, etc. For an open set $\Omega \subset \mathbb {R}^n_x\times \mathbb {R}_t$
we indicate with $C_0^{\infty }(\Omega )$
the set of compactly supported smooth functions in $\Omega$
. We also indicate by $H^{\alpha }(\Omega )$
the non-isotropic parabolic Hölder space with exponent $\alpha$
defined in [Reference Lieberman29, p. 46]. The symbol $\mathscr S(\mathbb {R}^{n+1})$
will denote the Schwartz space of rapidly decreasing functions in $\mathbb {R}^{n+1}$
. For $f\in \mathscr S(\mathbb {R}^{n+1})$
we denote its Fourier transform by

The heat operator in $\mathbb {R}^{n+1} = \mathbb {R}^n_x \times \mathbb {R}_t$ will be denoted by $H = \partial _t - \Delta _x$
. Given a number $s\in (0,\,1)$
the notation $H^s$
will indicate the fractional power of $H$
that in [Reference Samko41, formula (2.1)] was defined on a function $f\in \mathscr S(\mathbb {R}^{n+1})$
by the formula

where we have chosen the principal branch of the complex function $z\to z^s$. Consequently, we have that the natural domain of definition of $H^s$
is as follows:

where the second equality is justified by (2.1) and Plancherel theorem. Such a definition via the Fourier transform is equivalent to the one based on Balakrishnan formula (see [Reference Samko41, (9.63) on p. 285])


the evolutive semigroup, see [Reference Samko41, (9.58) on p. 284]. We refer to § 3 in [Reference Banerjee and Garofalo5] for relevant details.
Henceforth, given a point $(x,\,t)\in \mathbb {R}^{n+1}$ we will consider the thick half-space $\mathbb {R}^{n+1} \times \mathbb {R}^+_{x_{n+1}}$
. At times it will be convenient to combine the additional variable $x_{n+1}>0$
with $x\in \mathbb {R}^n$
and denote the generic point in the thick space $\mathbb {R}^n_x\times \mathbb {R}^+_{x_{n+1}} := \mathbb {R}^{n+1}_+$
with the letter $X=(x,\,x_{n+1})$
. For $x_0\in \mathbb {R}^n$
and $r>0$
we let $B_r(x_0) = \{x\in \mathbb {R}^n\mid |x-x_0|< r\}$
, $\mathbb {B}_r(X)=\{Z = (z,\,z_{n+1}) \in \mathbb {R}^n \times \mathbb {R} \mid |x-z|^2 + |x_{n+1}- z_{n+1}|^2 < r^2\}$
. We also let $\mathbb {B}_r^+(X)= \mathbb {B}_r(X) \cap \{(z,\, z_{n+1}: z_{n+1} >0\}$
. When the centre $x_0$
of $B_r(x_0)$
is not explicitly indicated, then we are taking $x_0 = 0$
. Similar agreement for the thick half-balls $\mathbb {B}_r^+((x_0,\,0))$
. We will also use the $\mathbb {Q}_{r}$
for the set $\mathbb {B}_r \times [t_0,\,t_0+r^2)$
and $Q_r$
for the set $B_r \times [t_0,\,t_0+r^2).$
Likewise we denote $\mathbb {Q}_r^+=\mathbb {Q}_r \cap \{(x,\,x_{n+1}): x_{n+1} > 0\}$
. For notational ease $\nabla U$
and $\operatorname {div} U$
will respectively refer to the quantities $\nabla _X U$
and $\operatorname {div}_X U$
. The partial derivative in $t$
will be denoted by $\partial _t U$
and also at times by $U_t$
. The partial derivative $\partial _{x_i} U$
will be denoted by $U_i$
. At times, the partial derivative $\partial _{x_{n+1}} U$
will be denoted by $U_{n+1}$
We next introduce the extension problem associated with $H^s$. Given a number $a\in (-1,\,1)$
and a $u:\mathbb {R}^n_x\times \mathbb {R}_t\to \mathbb {R}$
we seek a function $U:\mathbb {R}^n_x\times \mathbb {R}_t\times \mathbb {R}_{x_{n+1}}^+\to \mathbb {R}$
that satisfies the boundary-value problem

The most basic property of the Dirichlet problem (2.5) is that if

and $u \in \text {Dom}(H^{s})$, then we have the following convergence in $L^{2}(\mathbb {R}^{n+1})$

where $\partial _{x_{n+1}}^a$ denotes the weighted normal derivative

When $a = 0$ ($s = 1/2$
), problem (2.5) was first introduced in [Reference Jones24] by Frank Jones, who in such case also constructed the relevant Poisson kernel and proved (2.7). More recently Nyström and Sande in [Reference Nyström and Sande33] and Stinga and Torrea in [Reference Stinga and Torrea43] have independently extended the results in [Reference Jones24] to all $a\in (-1,\,1)$
With this being said, we now suppose that $u$ be a solution to (1.6) and consider the weak solution $U$
of the following version of (2.5) (for the precise notion of weak solution of (2.9) we refer to [Reference Banerjee and Garofalo5, Section 4])

To simplify notation, we will let $2^{a} \frac {\Gamma (\frac {1+a}{2})}{\Gamma (\frac {1-a}{2})} V(x,\,t)$ as our new $V(x,\,t)$
. Note that the third equation in (2.9) is justified by (1.6) and (2.7). From now on, a generic point $((x,\,t),\, y)$
will be denoted as $(X,\,t)$
with $X=(x,\,y)$
. Further, as in [Reference Banerjee and Garofalo5, Lemma 5.3] ( see also [Reference Arya and Banerjee2, Lemma 2.2]), the following regularity result for such weak solutions was proved. Such result will be relevant to our analysis. For simplicity, we assume that $T>4$
. We refer to [Reference Lieberman29, Chapter 4] for the relevant notion parabolic Hölder spaces.
Lemma 2.1 Let $U$ be a weak solution of (2.9) where $V \in C^2(\mathbb {R}^n \times (-T,\, 0])$
. Then there exists $\alpha '>0$
such that one has up to the thin set $\{x_{n+1}=0\}$

Moreover, the relevant Hölder norms over a compact set $K$ are bounded by $\int U^2 x_{n+1}^a {\rm d}X {\rm d}t$
over a larger set $K'$
which contains $K$
. We also have that $\nabla _x^2 U \in C^{\alpha '}_{loc}$
up to the thin set $\{x_{n+1}=0\}$
. Furthermore, we have that the following estimate holds for $i,\, j=1,\, ..,\,n$
and $x_0 \in \mathbb {R}^n$

where $C$ is some universal constant.
We also record the following result as in [Reference Banerjee and Garofalo5, Corollary 5.3] that will be needed in our work.
Lemma 2.2 Let $U$ be as in (2.9). Then we have that $||U||_{L^{\infty }(\mathbb {R}^{n+1}_+)} \leq C$
for some universal $C$
depending on $||u||_{\mathscr H^{2s} (\mathbb {R}^{n+1})}$
and $||V||_{C^2}$
For notational purposes it will be convenient to work with the following backward version of problem (2.9).

We note that the former can be transformed into the latter by changing $t \to -t$.
The corresponding extended backward parabolic operator will be denoted as

We now collect some auxiliary results that will be needed in the proof of our main Carleman estimate in theorem 3.5.
Lemma 2.3 [Lemma 2.3 in [Reference Banerjee and Ghosh8], [Reference Escauriaza and Fernández14]]
Let $s\in (0,\, 1).$ Define

Then the solution to the ordinary differential equation

where $\lambda >0,$ has the following properties when $0\leq \lambda t\leq 1$
(1) $t e^{-N} \leq \sigma _{s}(t) \leq t,$
(2) $e^{-N} \leq \sigma _{s}'(t)\leq 1,$
(3) $|\partial _t[\sigma _{s} \log \frac {\sigma _{s}}{\sigma _{s}' t}]|+|\partial _t[\sigma _{s} \log \frac {\sigma _{s}}{\sigma _{s}' }]|\leq 3N$
(4) $\left |\sigma _{s} \partial _t (\frac {1}{\sigma _{s}'}\partial _t[\log \frac {\sigma _{s}}{\sigma _{s}'(t)t}])\right | \leq 3N e^{N} \frac {\theta _{s}(\gamma t)}{t},$
where $N$ is some universal constant.
Lemma 2.4 Trace inequality
Let $f\in C_0^\infty (\overline {\mathbb {R}^{n+1}_+})$. There exists a constant $C_0 = C_0(n,\,a)>0$
such that for every $A>1$
one has

Lemma 2.5 Assume that $N \ge 1,$ $h \in C_{0}^{\infty }(\overline {\mathbb {R}^{n+1}_+})$
and the inequality

holds for $b \leq \frac {1}{12N }.$ Then

when $0 < r \leq 1/2.$
We also need the following Hardy-type inequality in the Gaussian space which can be found in lemma 2.2 in [Reference Arya, Banerjee, Danielli and Garofalo3]. This can be regarded as the weighted analogue of lemma 3 in [Reference Escauriaza, Fernández and Vessella15].
Lemma 2.6 (Hardy-type inequality)
For all $h \in C_0^{\infty }(\overline {\mathbb {R}^{n+1}_+})$ and $b>0$
the following inequality holds

Finally, we also need the following interpolation-type inequality as in [Reference Arya and Banerjee2, Lemma 2.4].
Lemma 2.7 Let $s \in (0,\,1)$ and $f \in C^{2}_0(\mathbb {R}^n \times \mathbb {R}_+)$
. Then there exists a universal constant $C$
such that for any $0<\eta <1$
the following holds

In particular when $n=1$, we get

It should be noted that in (2.16), $f$ is a function of $t$
and $x_{n+1}$
3. The key lemmas
For the simplicity of exposition, we will assume that $\mathfrak {K}=1$ in theorem 1.1 and corollary 1.2. We will also assume that

We first show that via a compactness argument, the non-vanishing condition at the boundary for the non-local problem (1.6) as in (1.7) implies a similar non-vanishing for the extension problem (2.11). Since the proof is via compactness, we show this result for a larger ‘compact’ family of solutions to (2.11).
Lemma 3.1 (Bulk non-degeneracy)
Let $W$ be a solution to

where $\tilde V$ satisfies (3.1). Furthermore, assume that $||W||_{L^{\infty }(\mathbb {Q}_5^+)}\leq C$
and $\int _{Q_{1/2}}W^2(x,\, 0,\, t) {\rm d}x\,{\rm d}t\geq \theta >0.$
Then there exists a constant $\kappa :=\kappa (\theta,\, a,\, n)>0$
such that

Proof. On the contrary if there does not exist any $\kappa,$ then for each $j\in \mathbb {N}$
there exists $W_{j}$
such that $\int _{Q_{1/2}}W_{j}^2(x,\, 0,\, t) {\rm d}x\,{\rm d}t\geq \theta$


Moreover, $W_j$ solves the problem

with $V_j$'s satisfying the bound in (3.1).
Now from the regularity estimates in lemma 2.1 and (3.5), we note that the Hölder norms of $W_j's$ are uniformly bounded. So using Arzelá–Ascoli, possibly passing through a subsequence, $W_j\to W_0$
in $H^{\alpha }(\mathbb {Q}_{2}^+)$
up to $\{x_{n+1}=0\}$
for some $\alpha >0$
. Consequently, using (3.4) and uniform convergence, we have

Again $\int _{Q_{1/2}}W_{j}(x,\,0,\,t)^2 {\rm d}x\,{\rm d}t\geq \theta$ implies by uniform convergence that $\int _{Q_{1/2}}W_{0}(x,\, 0,\, t)^2 {\rm d}x\,{\rm d}t\geq \theta >0.$
This contradicts (3.7) and thus the conclusion follows.
We now record the following important consequence of lemma 3.1.
Lemma 3.2 Let $U$ be as in (2.11) and $\int _{Q_{1/2}}u^2(x,\, t) {\rm d}x\,{\rm d}t\geq \theta >0$
. Then there exists $\gamma >0$
and some $t_{0}\in [0,\, \frac {1}{4}-\gamma )$
such that

Proof. We choose $t_0$ as

Thanks to (3.3) (which also applies to $U$), the corresponding set is non-empty and $t_0$
exists. The existence of $\gamma$
follows from the fact that from (3.3), lemma 2.1 and the definition of $t_0$
as in (3.9), we have

where $\tilde C= C^2 \int _{\mathbb {B}_{1/2}^+} x_{n+1}^a{\rm d}X,$ with $C$
as in lemma 3.1, i.e. $||U||_{L^{\infty }(\mathbb {Q}_5^+)}\leq C$
. From (3.10) we find using $t_0 \leq 1/4$
that the following inequality holds

which in turn implies that

Therefore, $\gamma$ can be taken as $\frac {3\kappa }{4\tilde C}$
which implies the desired conclusion.
Lemma 3.2 combined with the monotonicity in time result in [Reference Arya, Banerjee, Danielli and Garofalo3, Lemma 3.1] implies the following non-degeneracy estimate for $U$ in space-time.
Lemma 3.3 With the assumptions as in lemma 3.2 above, we have that there exist $0<\tilde \delta < \gamma$ ($\gamma$
as in lemma 3.2 above) and $\tilde \kappa \in (0,\,1)$
such that for $\tilde t \in [t_0,\, t_0+\tilde \delta )$
, we have

Proof. First, we note that from lemma 3.2, there exist $\gamma >0$ and $t_{0}\in [0,\, \frac {1}{4}-\gamma )$
such that

Then by applying the monotonicity result in [Reference Arya, Banerjee, Danielli and Garofalo3, Lemma 3.1], we have that for $c_0,\, c_1 \in (0,\,1)$ depending on $n,\,s,\, \kappa$
and $C$
in lemma 2.2, the following inequality holds for all $t \in [t_0,\, t_0 +c_0)$

We now let $\tilde \delta =\min (c_0,\, \gamma )$, $\tilde \kappa = c_1 \kappa$
and thus the conclusion follows.
3.1. Rescaled situation
Fix some $x_{0}\in \mathbb {R}^n$ with $|x_{0}|\geq M$
where $M$
is large enough and will be adjusted later. Let $R\rho =2|x_0|$
where $\rho$
will be chosen as in theorem 4.1 corresponding to $\tilde \kappa$
in lemma 3.3. Then given $\tilde t \in [t_0,\, t_0 +\tilde \delta )$
with $\tilde \delta$
as in lemma 3.3, the rescaled function

satisfies the following estimate as a consequence of lemma 3.3

Here onwards we shall look into the rescaled scenario and derive results for the rescaled function $U_R$ and eventually we will scale back to $U$
. We have that corresponding to $U$
in (2.11), $U_{R}$
satisfies the following equation:


We now derive our first monotonicity result which is the non-local counterpart of [Reference Escauriaza, Kenig, Ponce and Vega17, Lemma 1]. It is to be mentioned that although similar results have appeared in the previous works [Reference Arya, Banerjee, Danielli and Garofalo3, Reference Banerjee and Ghosh8] which deals with the local asymptotic of solutions to (2.11), the new feature of the result in lemma 3.4 below is the validity of a similar monotonicity result in time for $t \in [0,\, 1/R^2]$ under a certain asymptotic behaviour (in $R$
) of the weighted Dirichlet to Neumann map as $R \to \infty$
. More precisely, we are interested in deriving an inequality as in (3.20) below when the zero-order perturbation $\tilde V := R^{2s} V_R$
of the weighted Neumann derivative $\partial _{x_{n+1}}^a U_R$
satisfies $|| \tilde V||_{L^\infty } \leq R^{2s}$
. Note that such a bound on $\tilde V$
holds in view of (3.1).
Lemma 3.4 (Monotonicity)
Let $U_R$ be as in (3.15) and

for some $\tilde {\kappa },\, \rho \in (0,\, 1)$ and $R\geq 10.$
Then there exists a large universal constant $M=M(n,\, a,\, \kappa )$
such that

for all $0\leq t\leq \frac {c}{R^2},$ where $c$
is sufficiently small.
Proof. For simplicity, we show it for $\rho =1$. Let $f= \phi \, U_R,$
where $\phi \in C_0^{\infty }(\mathbb {B}_2)$
is a spherically symmetric cutoff such that $0\leq \phi \leq 1$
and $\phi \equiv 1$
on $\mathbb {B}_{3/2}.$
Considering the symmetry of $\phi$
in $x_{n+1}$
variable and the fact that $U_R$
solves (3.17), we obtain


where $\mathcal {G}(Y,\,X,\,t) = p(y,\, x,\, t) p_a(x_{n+1},\,y_{n+1};t),$ and $p(y,\,x,\,t)$
is the heat-kernel associated to $(\partial _t - \Delta _{x})$
and $p_a$
is the fundamental solution of the Bessel operator $\partial ^2_{x_{n+1}} + \frac {a}{x_{n+1}}\partial _{x_{n+1}}$
. It is well-known that $p_a$
is given by the formula

where $I_\nu (z)$ the modified Bessel function of the first kind defined by the series

Also, for $t>0$, $\mathcal {G} = \mathcal {G}(Y,\, \cdot )$
solves $\operatorname {div}(x_{n+1}^a \nabla \mathcal {G}) = x_{n+1}^a \partial _t \mathcal {G}.$
We refer the reader to [Reference Garofalo22] for the relevant details. Differentiating with respect to $t$
, we find

• For every $Y\in \mathbb {B}_1^+$
and $0< t\leq \frac {1}{R^2}$
we have (keeping in mind equation (3.13) in [Reference Arya, Banerjee, Danielli and Garofalo3])
(3.26)\begin{equation} J_1 \geq{-} C e^{-\frac{1}{N t}} N R^{4}. \end{equation}This can be seen as follows. Following the proof of inequality (3.13) in [Reference Arya, Banerjee, Danielli and Garofalo3], we find
(3.27)\begin{equation} |J_1| \leq C e^{-\frac{1}{Nt}} \int_{\mathbb{B}_2^+} x_{n+1}^a (|\nabla U_R|^2 + U_R^2). \end{equation}Since $U_R$solves (3.17), by invoking the $L^{\infty }$
bounds on $U_R,\, x_{n+1}^a \partial _{x_{n+1}}U_R,\, \nabla _x U_R$
using lemma 2.1, we find that (3.26) follows. We then observe that since $t \leq 1/R^2$
, for a different $N$
, it follows from (3.26) that the following holds
(3.28)\begin{equation} J_1 \geq Ce^{-\frac{1}{Nt}}. \end{equation}• We now recall the inequality in [Reference Arya, Banerjee, Danielli and Garofalo3, (3.21)]. Keeping in mind that only $L^\infty$
norm of $R^{2s}V_{R}$
appears in the expression, we find that for every $Y\in \mathbb {B}_1^+$
and $0< t\leq 1/R^2$
one has
(3.29)\begin{align} |J_3| & \leq C(n,a)R^{2s}\bigg(A^{1+a}\int f^2 \mathcal{G} x_{n+1}^a {\rm d}X + \frac{n+a+1}{4t} A^{a-1} \int f^2 \mathcal{G} x_{n+1}^a {\rm d}X \nonumber\\ & \quad+ A^{a-1} \int |\nabla f|^2 \mathcal{G} x_{n+1}^a {\rm d}X\bigg)\nonumber\\ & \leq C(n,a) R^{2s}\bigg(t^{-\frac{1+a}{2}}\int f^2 \mathcal{G} x_{n+1}^a {\rm d}X + t^{-\frac{1+a}{2}} \int f^2 \mathcal{G} x_{n+1}^a {\rm d}X \nonumber\\ & \quad+ t^{\frac{1-a}{2}} \int |\nabla f|^2 \mathcal{G} x_{n+1}^a {\rm d}X\bigg)\ (\text{putting} A\sim \frac{1}{\sqrt{t}}).\end{align}
Combining (3.28) and (3.29) we obtain

For $0\leq t\leq \frac {c}{R^2}$ using (2.6) we have $R^{2s}t^s\ll 1,$
provided $c$
is sufficiently small. This in turn ensures that the second term absorbs the last one in (3.30). Thus, we find

As a conclusion we get

Keeping in mind that $0< t\leq \frac {c}{R^2},$ integrating (3.32) from $0$
to $t$
we get using

that the following inequality holds

Again integrating with respect to $Y$ in $\mathbb {B}_1^+$
and exchanging the order of integration, using $\int \mathcal {G}(Y,\,X,\,t) y_{n+1}^a {\rm d}Y=1$
and by renaming the variable $Y$
as $X$
we obtain using (3.19)

where we have used that for $0\leq t\leq \frac { c}{ R^2},$ $e^{R^{2s}t^{\frac {1-a}{2}}}$
is uniformly bounded and the quantity $e^{-\frac {1}{N t}}$
can be made suitably small. The conclusion thus follows.
We now state and prove our main Carleman estimate in the rescaled setting (3.17) which is needed to obtain the desired lower bounds at infinity for solutions to the extension problem (2.11). As remarked earlier, the main new feature of theorem 3.5 is the validity of the Carleman estimate in (3.35) below in presence of the prescribed limiting behaviour (in $R$) of the weighted Dirichlet to Neumann map as $R \to \infty$
Theorem 3.5 (Main Carleman estimate)
Let $s\in [\frac {1}{2},\, 1)$ and $\widetilde {\mathcal {H}}_s$
be the backward in time extension operator in (2.12). Let $w \in C_0^\infty ( \overline {\mathbb {B}^+_4} \times [0,\,\tfrac {1}{e\lambda }))$
where $\lambda = \tfrac {\alpha }{ \delta ^2}$
for some $\delta \in (0,\,1)$
sufficiently small. Furthermore, assume that $\partial _{x_{n+1}}^a w\equiv R^{2s}V_{R}w$
on $\{x_{n+1}=0\}$
(with $V_R$
as in (3.18)) and

where $M$ is a large universal constant. Then the following estimate holds

Here $\sigma _{s}$ is as in lemma 2.3, $G(X,\,t) = \frac {1}{{t^\frac {n+1+a}{2}}} e^{-\frac {|X|^2}{4t}}$
and $0 < c \leq \frac {1}{5\lambda }$
Proof. We partly follow the arguments as in the proof of theorem 3.1 in [Reference Banerjee and Ghosh8]. However, the reader will notice that the proof of estimate (3.35) involves some very delicate adaptations due to the presence of an ‘amplified’ boundary condition as in (3.17) for $R \to \infty$. Before proceeding further, we mention that throughout the proof, the solid integrals below will be taken in $\mathbb {R}^n \times [c,\, \infty )$
where $0 < c \leq \frac {1}{\lambda }$
and we refrain from mentioning explicit limits in the rest of our discussion. Note that



Now we define the vector field

Note that $\mathcal {Z}$ is the infinitesimal generator of the parabolic dilations $\{\delta _r\}$
defined by $\delta _r(X,\,t)=(rX,\, r^2 t)$
. Then

Next we consider the expression


Then we estimate integral (3.37) from below with an application of the algebraic inequality

where $P$ and $Q$
are chosen as

We compute the terms coming from the cross product, i.e. from $\int PQ.$ We write


The terms $\mathcal {I}_i$'s for $i=1,\,2,\,3,\,4$
are handled as in [Reference Banerjee and Ghosh8]. We nevertheless provide the details for the sake completeness.
Estimate for $\mathcal {I}_1:$

We estimate the first term. By integrating by parts in $X$ and $t$
we have

where in the last line we used that $\operatorname {div}(Xx_{n+1}^a)=(n+1+a)x_{n+1}^a.$ If we now let

in (3.40), then the first and fourth terms on the right-hand side cancel each other. Moreover, for this choice of $\mu,$ we find using integration by parts

Here we used that $\text {div}(x_{n+1}^a t^{-\frac {n+3+a}{2}} \mathcal {Z})=0$. Therefore, for large enough $\alpha$
we obtain for some universal $N>1$

Notice that the fact $-(\frac {t \sigma _{s}'}{\sigma _{s}})'$ is comparable to the quantity $\frac {\theta _{s}(\lambda t)}{t}$
which follows from lemma 2.3 is being used in the last inequality.
Estimate for $\mathcal {I}_2:$ Now we consider the term $\mathcal {I}_2$
which finally provides the positive gradient terms in our Carleman estimate. This is obtained via a Rellich-type argument. We have

We estimate them individually. Using divergence theorem, we have

We also have

Now by integrating by parts the following term

in the above expression we obtain

Combining (3.44), (3.45) and (3.46) with $\mathcal {I}_4$ we have

Recall that

Let us now consider the term $- \frac{1}{4} \int x_{n+1}^a t^{-\mu } (\frac {t \sigma _{s}'}{\sigma _{s}})^{-\frac {3}{2}} ( \frac {t \sigma _{s}'}{\sigma _{s}} )' |\nabla v|^2$. Using (3.48) we obtain

The boundary integral in (3.47) above, i.e. the term

can be computed in a similar fashion to obtain the following

Estimate for $\mathcal {I}_3$: Let us now compute $\mathcal {I}_3$
. We have

Now we use the fact that $- (\frac {t\sigma _{s}'}{\sigma _{s}})' \sim \frac {\theta _{s}(\lambda t)}{t}$ since the term $\frac {t\sigma _{s}'}{\sigma _{s}}$
is positively bounded from both sides in view of lemma 2.3 and combining the above estimates ((3.43), (3.47) and (3.51)) we get for a new universal $N$
that the following estimate holds

Let us estimate the boundary terms in (3.52). Using the divergence theorem we obtain the following alternate representation of such boundary terms.

It is to be noted that using (3.1) and (3.18) we have

Using the trace inequality lemma 2.4 and (3.53) we find

for $A(t)>1$. The choice of $A(t)$
will be crucial to complete our proof. Also, it follows from the Hardy inequality in lemma 2.6 that the following estimate holds

Plugging estimate (3.56) in (3.55) and by using (3.41) yields

In the last inequality in (3.57) above, we used that $\sigma _s(t) \sim t$. Now we choose $A(t)>1$
in such a way that the above terms can be absorbed in the positive terms on the right-hand side in (3.52) above, i.e. in the terms ${\alpha }/{N} \int x_{n+1}^{a} \sigma _{s}^{-2\alpha }(t) \frac {\theta _{s}(\lambda t)}{t} \ w^2 G$
and ${1}/{N} \int x_{n+1}^a \frac {\theta _{s}(\lambda t)}{t} \sigma _{s}^{1-2\alpha }(t) |\nabla w|^2 G$
. Therefore, given the value of $\mu$
as in (3.41), we require

It is easy to see that the third inequality automatically holds if the second one is satisfied since $\alpha$ is to be chosen large. Therefore, it is sufficient to choose $A(t)$
satisfying the first two inequalities. Recall that $a=1-2\,s,$
and if we set

then the second inequality in (3.58) is valid. Note that $A(t)>1$ as $\theta _{s}(t)\to 0$
as $t\to 0.$
Moreover, the above choice of $A$
will also satisfy the first inequality in (3.58) if

which is same as the following

Further simplification will allow us to rewrite the above inequality as

Finally, observe that $\theta _{s}(\lambda t)=(\lambda t)^s(\log \frac {1}{\lambda t} )^{1+s}\geq (\lambda t)^s$ since $\log \frac {1}{\lambda t}\geq 1$
on $[0,\, \frac {1}{e\lambda }],$
so inequality (3.59) is ensured if we choose $\alpha$
large enough such that

Consequently, since $\lambda =\alpha \delta ^2,$ by choosing some arbitrary $\delta \in (0,\, 1),$
we conclude that the choice of $A(t)$
above satisfies the set of inequalities in (3.58) provided

The above is ensured for $\alpha \geq MR^2$ with $M$
large and $R>1$
provided $s\in [\frac {1}{2},\, 1).$
For $K_2,$ applying integration by parts we observe

Using (3.53), the fact that $(\frac {t\sigma _{s}'}{\sigma _{s}})\sim 1$ and also that $0\leq t<\frac {1}{R^{2}},\,$
we observe that the first and third terms on the right-hand side of the above expression can be bounded by

The second term is dominated by $R^{2s} \int _{\{x_{n+1}=0\}} t^{-\mu } \bigg |-(\frac {t\sigma _{s}'}{\sigma _{s}})'\bigg | v^2,$ which in turn is bounded by

considering the fact that $-(\frac {t\sigma _{s}'}{\sigma _{s}})'$ is comparable to $\frac {\theta _{s}(\lambda t)}{t}$
and $\theta _{s}(\lambda t)\to 0$
as $t\to 0.$
Combining the above arguments we have

The first term in (3.60) can be handled similarly as $K_1,$ see (3.54)–(3.59). For the last term in (3.60), using trace inequality and performing similar calculations as in (3.57), we obtain that

holds for any $A>1.$ If we now choose $A$
sufficiently large, say

then the term

in (3.61) can easily be absorbed by the term $\frac {c}{N} \, \sigma _{s}^{-2\alpha }(c) \int _{t=c} x_{n+1}^{a} |\nabla w|^2 G \ {\rm d}X$ in (3.52). Corresponding to this choice of $A$
as in (3.62), we find by also using that $c \lesssim \frac {1}{\alpha }\sim \frac {1}{R^2}$
, the remaining terms in the last expression in (3.61) above can be estimated as

Therefore, from the above discussion, the contributions from $K_1$ and $K_2$
can be absorbed appropriately by the first four terms in (3.52) so that for large $\alpha$
satisfying $\alpha \geq MR^2$
for a large $M$
the following holds

Also, we have $\frac {\theta _{s}(\lambda t)}{t}\gtrsim \lambda =\frac {\alpha }{\delta ^2},$ hence

possibly for a new universal constant $N.$ Finally, the conclusion follows from (3.64) since

4. Proof of the main results
Given the Carleman estimate in theorem 3.5, we now argue as in the proof of [Reference Escauriaza, Kenig, Ponce and Vega17, Lemma 5] to obtain the following $L^2$ lower bounds for the rescaled function $U_R$
in (3.15) which solves (3.17).
Theorem 4.1 Given $\tilde {\kappa }\in (0,\, 1],$ there exist large universal constant $M=M (n,\, s,\, \tilde {\kappa })$
and $\rho \in (0,\, 1)$
such that the following holds true:
If $U_R$ is as in (3.15) with $R^{(n+a+1)}\int _{\mathbb {B}_{\rho }^+} U_R^2(X,\, 0) x_{n+1}^{a}\, {\rm d}X\geq \tilde {\kappa }$
( note that this inequality in turn is assured by (3.16)). Then
(1) For sufficiently small $\epsilon >0$
and $R \geq M$
we have
(4.1)\begin{equation} \int_{\mathbb{B}_{2}^+} x_{n+1}^a \ U_R(X, 0)^2 \ e^{-\frac{|X|^2 R^2}{\epsilon}} \ {\rm d}X\geq e^{{-}MR^2 \log\big(\frac{1}{\epsilon}\big)}.\end{equation}(2) For all $0\leq r<\frac {1}{2},$
we have
(4.2)\begin{equation} \int_{\mathbb{B}_{r}^+} U_R^2(X, 0) x_{n+1}^a {\rm d}X\geq e^{{-}MR^2 \log\big(\frac{2}{r}\big)}.\end{equation}
Proof. Let us highlight the key steps in the proof. The key ingredients are the quantitative Carleman estimate in theorem 3.5 and the improved monotonicity in time result in lemma 3.4.
Step 1: Let $f= \eta (t)\phi (X) U_R,$ where $\phi \in C_0^{\infty }(\mathbb {B}_3)$
is a spherically symmetric cutoff such that $0\leq \phi \leq 1$
and $\phi \equiv 1$
on $\mathbb {B}_{2}.$
Moreover, let $\eta$
be a cutoff in time such that $\eta =1$
on $[0,\, \frac {1}{8\lambda }]$
and supported in $[0,\, \frac {1}{4\lambda }).$
Since $U_R$
solves (2.11), we see that the function $f$
solves the problem

Since $\phi$ is symmetric in the $x_{n+1}$
variable, we have $\phi _{n+1}\equiv 0$
on $\{x_{n+1}=0\}$
. Since $\phi$
is smooth, the following estimates are true, see [Reference Arya, Banerjee, Danielli and Garofalo3, (3.31)].

Step 2: The Carleman estimate (3.35) applied to $f$ (more precisely, a shifted in time version of (3.35)) yields the following inequality for sufficiently large $\alpha$
satisfying $\alpha \geq MR^2$
and $0 < c \leq \frac {1}{5\lambda }$

Step 3: Now we plug the following estimate ( see [Reference Banerjee and Ghosh8, (4.24)])

in (4.5) yielding

Step 4: Since $\phi =1$ on $\mathbb {B}_{2}$
and $\eta =1$
on $[0,\, \frac {1}{8\lambda})$
, for small enough $\rho <\frac {1}{2},$
which will be chosen later and $0 < c \leq \frac {\rho ^2}{8\lambda}$
, we obtain

Step 5: The above computation and (4.7) implies that

To absorb the first term in the right-hand side into the left, we need

In view of the fact that $\alpha \sim R^2$, (4.10) will be guaranteed if we choose $\rho$
such that

Since $\rho <1$, we have that $\rho ^{-\frac {n+a+1}{2}} >1$
. Therefore, (4.11) is further implied by the validity of the following inequality

This in turn follows provided

Finally, (4.13), and therefore (4.12), are seen to hold when

Therefore, for $\alpha \geq M R^2$, (4.9) and the fact that $\sigma _s(c) \geq c e^{-N}$
implies that

Now letting $\alpha \geq M R^2$ with $M \gt \gt e^{2N}$
, we now put $c = \frac {\epsilon }{4R^2}$
where $\epsilon \leq \frac {\rho ^2 \delta ^2}{2M}$
and consequently obtain from above

This finishes the proof of (1).
We now proceed with the proof of (2).
For the above mentioned choice of $\rho$ as in (4.14) and by taking large $\alpha,$
(4.9) implies for $c \leq \frac {\rho ^2}{8 \lambda } \sim \frac {\epsilon }{R^2}$
that the following inequality holds

At this point (4.17) combined with lemma 2.5 allow us to infer for a new $M$ that the following doubling inequality holds

for all $0\leq r<\frac {1}{2}$. Now given $r \leq 1/2$
, choose $k \in \mathbb {N}$
such that $2^{-k} \leq r \leq 2^{-k+1}$
. Iterating the above doubling inequality when $r= 2^{-j}$
with $j =0,\,\dots,\, k-1$
we obtain

The conclusion follows from (4.19) with a new $M$ by noting that

From theorem 4.1, we obtain the following decay estimates at infinity for the solution $U$ to (2.11).
Theorem 4.2 Let $U$ be a solution of the original problem (2.11).
(1) There exists a universal large constant $M$
such that for all $x_{0}\in \mathbb {R}^n$
with $|x_{0}|\geq M$
we have
(4.20)\begin{equation} \int_{\mathbb{B}^+_{|x_0|/2}((x_0,0))} U^2(X, \tilde t) x_{n+1}^a {\rm d}X\geq e^{{-}M|x_0|^2},\end{equation}for $\tilde t \in [t_0,\, t_0 + \tilde \delta )$where $t_0$
is as in lemma 3.2 and $\tilde \delta$
is as in lemma 3.3.
(2) Also we have
(4.21)\begin{equation} \int_{\mathbb{B}^+_{1}((x_0,0))} U^2(X, \tilde t) x_{n+1}^a {\rm d}X\geq e^{{-}M|x_0|^2\log(|x_0|)}, \ \tilde t \in [t_0, t_0 +\tilde \delta). \end{equation}
Proof of part (1). Under the hypothesis of theorem 1.1 ( with $\mathfrak {K}=1$), we have from lemma 3.3 that there exist $\tilde {\kappa }\in (0,\, 1)$
and $\tilde \delta$
such that for $\tilde t \in [t_0,\, t_0 +\tilde \delta )$
we have

Now let $\rho$ be the number associated to $\tilde {\kappa }$
as in theorem 4.1. For each $\tilde t$
and $x_0$
such that $|x_{0}| \geq M$
, let $R:=2|x_{0}|/\rho$
and $U_R$
be as in (3.15), i.e. $U_{R} (X,\,t):=U(RX+(x_{0},\, 0),\, R^2 t+\tilde t)$
. From (3.16) we have

Thus, $U_R$ satisfies the hypothesis in theorem 4.1. Hence, for small $\epsilon >0$
we have

This in turn is equivalent to the following inequality

Further, (4.25) implies that

which in turn implies the following inequality

where we have used the fact that $||U||_{L^{\infty }}\leq C$ to bound the integral

in (4.27) above. Now if $\epsilon >0$ is chosen sufficiently small, then the term $CR^{n+a+1} e^{-R^2 \rho ^2/16\epsilon }$
can be absorbed in the right-hand side of (4.27). Consequently, we can conclude that for a new $M$
(depending also on $\epsilon$
) the following estimate holds

This completes the proof of (4.20).
To prove (4.21), we apply (4.2) to the function $U_{R}$ at the scale $r=\frac {1}{R},$
which yields

since $R \geq 1$. The conclusion thus follows with a larger $M$
by noting that $|x_0| \sim R$
once $\rho$
gets fixed as in theorem 4.1.
As a direct consequence of estimate (4.21) in theorem 4.2, the following asymptotic decay estimates holds for the extension problem (2.11) in space-time regions.
Theorem 4.3 Under the assumption of theorem 4.2, there exist universal constants $M$ and $\tilde \delta \in (0,\, 1)$
such that for $|x_0|\geq M$
we have

where $t_0$ is as in lemma 3.2.
Propagation of smallness and the proof of theorem 1.1
We now transfer the decay estimate at the bulk as in theorem 4.3 to the boundary via an appropriate propagation of smallness estimate derived in [Reference Arya and Banerjee2, Corollary 4.4] using which theorem 1.1 follows.
Proof Proof of theorem 1.1
We first note that from the hypothesis of theorem 1.1 ( recall that we are assuming $\mathfrak {K}=1$), we infer that estimate (4.29) in theorem 4.3 holds. We now use the following variant of the propagation of smallness estimate as derived in [Reference Arya and Banerjee2, Corollary 4.4].

where $\vartheta \in (0,\,1)$ is universal and

Note that (4.30) follows from [Reference Arya and Banerjee2, Corollary 4.4] by a translation in space and a standard covering argument. Note that in view of (3.1), the right-hand side of (4.30) is upper bounded by

Now since we are interested in a lower bound, so without loss of generality we may assume that

Using this along with (4.29), we obtain that the following inequality holds for some large universal $M$ and $|x_0| \geq M$

In order to get an $L^{2}$ decay as claimed in theorem 1.1, we now make use of the interpolation-type inequalities in lemma 2.7. Let $\phi$
be a smooth function supported in $\mathbb {B}_{7/4} ((x_0,\,0)) \times (t_0 + \tilde \delta /8,\, t_0 +11 \tilde {\delta } /12)$
such that $\phi \equiv 1$
in $\mathbb {B}_{3/2}((x_0,\,0)) \times [t_0 + \tilde \delta /4,\, t_0 + 5 \tilde \delta /6))$
. Define $f=\phi \, U.$
Then by applying (2.15) to $f$
we get also by using the regularity estimates in lemma 2.1 that the following holds for any $\eta _1 \in (0,\,1)$

Similarly, by applying (2.15) to $\nabla _x f$ and by using the second derivative estimates in lemma 2.1 we get for any $\eta \in (0,\,1)$

Then using (4.32) in (4.33), we thus obtain

We now take $\eta _1=\eta ^3$. This ensures that

Substituting this value of $\eta _1$ in (4.34), using (4.35) and also by using lemma 2.2 we find

Similarly by applying (2.16) to $f$ and by using the estimates in lemmas 2.1 and 2.2 we find

Thus, from (4.32), (4.36) and (4.37) it follows that

Now using (4.31), we deduce from (4.38) that the following inequality holds for $|x_0| \geq M$,

Now by letting

we find that the first term on the right-hand side in (4.39) can be absorbed in the left-hand side and we consequently obtain for a new $M$

Now by noting that in view of (4.40), we have that

Using this in (4.41), we find that the conclusion follows with a new $M$ by also using that

This finishes the proof of theorem 1.1 by noting that we have assumed $\mathfrak {K}=1$ in theorem 1.1 (for the sake of simpler exposition of the ideas) and also by observing that we are working with the backward version of the problem as in (2.11).
We now use the estimate in theorem 1.1 to finish the proof of the Landis–Oleinik type result in corollary 1.2.
Proof Proof of corollary 1.2
We show that

On the contrary we assume

Then by applying theorem 1.1 corresponding to this $\theta$, there exists some $M=M(\theta )$
such that

Now on the other hand, hypothesis (1.9) (assuming $\mathfrak {K}=1$) implies that

Therefore, by integrating (4.45) over the region $B_2(x_0)$ for $|x_0| \geq M$
with $M$
as in theorem 1.1 ( corresponding to the $\theta$
in (4.43)) we find for a new $C$
that the following holds

where we have used that for $x \in B_2(x_0)$, $|x| \geq \frac {|x_0|}{2}$
which can be ensured for $M>4$
. This clearly contradicts (4.44) for large $|x_0|$

as $|x_0|=R \to \infty$. Thus (4.42) holds. So in particular, we have that $u$
vanishes to infinite order in space-time at $(0,\,0)$
. Now we can apply the backward uniqueness result in [Reference Banerjee and Garofalo5, Theorem 1.2] to conclude that $u \equiv 0$
in $\mathbb {R}^{n} \times [-T,\, 0]$
Remark 4.4 In the case when the non-local equation (1.6) holds for $t>0$, then we can also conclude that $u(\cdot,\, t) =0$
for $t>0$
by invoking the forward uniqueness result in [Reference Banerjee and Garofalo7].
A. B. is supported in part by the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, under project no. 12-R and D-TFR-5.01-0520. A. G. is supported by TIFR-CAM, Bangalore-560065, India. This research was funded in part by the National Science Center, Poland, grant 2021/43/D/ST1/00667.