1. Introduction
In the derivation of any model, parameters arise that capture intrinsic properties of the phenomenon of interest. In the case of modelling a turbulent, incompressible fluid flow via the Navier–Stokes equations (NSE), assuming a constant density, the two relevant parameters are essentially the kinematic viscosity of the fluid and the external force. For instance, in eddy diffusivity models, turbulent viscosity coefficients must be specified [Reference Berselli, Iliescu and Layton6]. In practice, these parameters must be empirically determined. On the contrary, in proposing any turbulent closure, one inevitably commits model errors. These errors may themselves then be modelled as a body force, whose exact form in terms of the mean field is unknown.
In the current study, we propose an algorithm for determining all large-scale features of an external driving force in the two-dimensional incompressible NSE (2D NSE) down to the observation scale. In practice, such an algorithm can be used to filter model errors that are represented as external driving forces. In our idealized set-up, the fluid occupies a periodic domain, $\Omega =[0,2\pi ]^2$, the density of the fluid is normalized to unity, the kinematic viscosity of the fluid is known perfectly, but the external driving force is not. We point out that the problem of determining the viscosity based on direct observation of the velocity field has recently been studied in [Reference Biswas and Hudson9, Reference Carlson, Hudson and Larios15, Reference Cialenco and Glatt-Holtz21, Reference Clark Di Leoni, Mazzino and Biferale22, Reference Martinez61], where estimators for the viscosity were proposed, their consistency and asymptotic normality were established [Reference Cialenco and Glatt-Holtz21], convergence analyses for viscosity-recovery algorithms were carried out [Reference Martinez61], and numerical tests were performed [Reference Carlson, Hudson and Larios15, Reference Clark Di Leoni, Mazzino and Biferale22]. The problem of multi-parameter recovery in chaotic dynamical systems was studied in [Reference Carlson, Hudson, Larios, Martinez, Ng and Whitehead16, Reference Pachev, Whitehead and McQuarrie63], while a recent study [Reference Carlson and Larios17] analysed the sensitivity of the 2D NSE to changes in the viscosity, as well as its implications for a certain downscaling algorithm for data assimilation.
Generally speaking, one of the objectives of this article is to study the extent to which external forces can be determined based on error-free, but partial observations of flow field through a practically implementable algorithm. In our ideal set-up, we will assume that we have access to a time series of the velocity field, but only through sufficiently small, but nevertheless finitely many, length scales. Ultimately, we introduce an algorithm for reconstructing large-scale features of the unknown force and establish its convergence under the assumption that the force acts only on length scales that are directly observed, that is to say, that the force belongs to the span of the observational field.
To be more precise, we recall that the 2D NSE on $\Omega =[0,2\pi ]^2$ is given by

where the kinematic viscosity, $\nu >0$, is given and fixed, and the time series, $\{P_Nu(t)\}_{t\in [0,T]}$
, is known, up to some time $T>0$
, where $P_N$
is the $L^2$
-orthogonal projection onto Fourier wavenumbers corresponding to $|k|\leq N$
, and $u\cdotp \nabla =u^j\partial _j$
, where repeated indices indicate summation over those indices. However, the external force, $f$
, is time-independent, but unknown. The scalar pressure field is denoted by $p$
; upon taking the divergence of (1.1), one sees that $p$
is determined entirely by $u, f$
via the Poisson equation $-\Delta p=\partial _i\partial _j(u^iu^j)+\partial _jf^j$
. We will assume that $u$
, $p$
, and $f$
are both mean-free and periodic over $\Omega$
, and that $f$
is divergence-free. The main result is that for forces satisfying $P_Nf=f$
, where $N$
is sufficiently large, there exists a sequence of times $\{t_n\}_n$
and sequence of approximating forces, $\{f_n\}_n$
, depending only on the observations $\{P_Nu(t)\}_{t\geq 0}$
such that $f_n$
converges to $f$
. We will in fact address the more general case of time-dependent forces.
The motivating idea for the algorithm we propose is based on the notion of ‘asymptotic completeness’ for nonlinear dissipative systems. For systems that possess this property, it asserts that having direct (observational) access to a sufficiently rich, but nevertheless finite-dimensional, set of scales, is enough to asymptotically determine the unobserved scales. This property was rigorously shown to hold for (1.1) by Foiaş and Prodi [Reference Foiaş and Prodi44] in the case when access to sufficiently many Fourier modes of the velocity field is available; for the case of three dimensions, the reader is referred to [Reference Biswas and Price11, Reference Cheskidov and Dai20]. Specifically, given two solutions $u_1, u_2$ of (1.1) corresponding to external forces $f_1, f_2$
, it was shown that there exists $N\geq 1$
, depending on $\nu$
and $f_1,f_2$
, but only through their size, such that $P_N(u_1(t)-u_2(t))\rightarrow 0$
and $f_1(t)-f_2(t)\rightarrow 0$
as $t\rightarrow \infty$
together imply $u_1(t)-u_2(t)\rightarrow 0$
as $t\rightarrow \infty$
. In this case, it is then said that the Fourier modes corresponding to wavenumbers $|k|\leq N$
are determining for system (1.1); the smallest such number, $N$
, is referred to as the number of determining modes. In light of this result, one sees that the problem of inferring an unknown force may be possible to solve provided that sufficiently many modes are observed and that one identifies an algorithm that asymptotically reconstructs higher modes that can subsequently be made use of to approximate the force.
To see the main difficulty that must be overcome in doing so, suppose that one is given access to $P_Nu(t)$, for $t\geq t_0$
. Then, a naïve, but reasonable first approximation to the low modes of the force may be given by simply evaluating the nonlinear differential operator determined by (1.1) along $P_Nu$
. This yields

where $p_N$ is determined by enforcing $f_0$
to be divergence-free. On the contrary, by applying the low-pass filter $P_N$
to (1.1), one also obtains:

where $\mathcal {R}_N$ denotes the Reynolds stress, defined as:

One therefore has the following relation:

In particular, determination of $P_Nf$ is equivalent to determination of $\mathcal {R}_N$
. The fundamental difficulty of the problem arises from the elementary fact that $\mathcal {R}_N$
depends on both $P_Nu$
and $(I-P_N)u$
, which is tantamount to the closure problem of turbulence. In comparison, if (1.1) were replaced by the linear heat equation, then observation of $P_Nu$
along a trajectory of $u$
provides an exact reconstruction for $P_Nf$
along that same trajectory. Thus, any resolution of this difficulty must address a way to reconstruct high-mode information from low-mode data. In § 3, we introduce an algorithm that, under suitable conditions, accomplishes this and systematically decreases the ‘Reynolds stress’ at each stage in a geometric fashion, yielding a convergent scheme for approximating the force on the low modes. From this point of view, the proposed scheme may be viewed as a ‘nonlinear filtering’ of large-scale error.
For systems that possess an inertial manifold, reconstruction of small scales from large scales would be possible. Indeed, the existence of an inertial manifold implies a strong form of enslavement of scales as it asserts the existence of a map $\Phi$ such that $P_Nu|_{t=t_0}\mapsto (I-P_N)u|_{t\geq t_0}$
, that is, $u(t)=P_Nu(t)+\Phi (P_Nu(t_0))(t)$
, for all $t\geq t_0$
. In other words, knowledge of low modes at a single time is sufficient to determine the high-mode behaviour at all future times. The inertial manifold would then be determined by the graph of $\Phi$
(see [Reference Foias, Sell and Temam45, Reference Foias and Temam47]). However, the existence of such a map for (1.1) remains an outstanding open problem. One of the main points of this article is that one needs to only rely on the weaker property of asymptotic completeness to reconstruct sufficiently high-mode components of the state variables in order to eventually recover the low modes of the forcing.
There are at least two ways available in the literature for doing, one due to Foias et al. in [Reference Foias, Jolly, Kravchenko and Titi39] and another by Azouani et al. in [Reference Azouani, Olson and Titi4]. The first construction [Reference Foias, Jolly, Kravchenko and Titi39] allows one to encode projections of solutions on the global attractor of (1.1) as travelling wave solutions to some infinite-dimensional ordinary differential equation. However, it effectively requires one to solve the evolution equation of (1.1) corresponding to the high modes [Reference Foias, Jolly, Lithio and Titi40]. The second method introduces a downscaling algorithm for data assimilation [Reference Azouani, Olson and Titi4], in which large-scale observations are exogenously inserted into (1.1) as a feedback-control term that serves to drive the corresponding solution of this modified system towards the reference solution, but only on large scales. By virtue of the Foias–Prodi property of determining modes, it was then shown that by tuning the strength of the feedback-control system appropriately, the generated approximating signal asymptotically synchronizes to the reference signal to which the large-scale observations correspond. We will make use of the latter approach to systematically reconstruct high-mode information on the reference field.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In § 2, we establish the notation and functional setting in which the result will be proved, as well as classical well-posedness results that we will make use of. A derivation of the algorithm that reconstructs the external force is presented in § 3. We provide formal statements of the convergence results in § 4, then outline their proof in § 5. The main step is to reduce the analysis of the convergence to establish suitable ‘sensitivity estimates’. These estimates are proved in § 6. We finally supply rigorous proofs of the main results in § 7. Technical auxiliary results are relegated to Appendix A.
2. Notation and functional setting
Let $\Omega =[0,2\pi ]^2$ and $L^p_\sigma =L^p_\sigma (\Omega )$
, for $p\in [1,\infty ]$
, denote the space of $p$
-integrable (in the sense of Lebesgue), mean-free, solenoidal vector fields over $\Omega$
, which are periodic in each direction; its norm is given by

where $\operatorname {ess\ sup}$ denotes the essential supremum. We let $H^k_\sigma =H^k_\sigma (\Omega )$
denote the space of periodic, mean-free, solenoidal vector fields over $\Omega$
whose weak derivatives (in the sense of Sobolev) up to order $k$
belong to $L^2_\sigma$
; its norm is given by

where $\alpha \in (\mathbb {N}\cup \{0\})^2$ is a multi-index. We will abuse notation and use $L^2_\sigma, H^k_\sigma$
to denote the corresponding spaces for scalar functions as well; in this case, $|u|$
is interpreted as absolute value, rather than Euclidean norm.
We will make use of the functional form of the NSE, which is given by


and $P$ denotes the Leray–Helmholtz projection, that is, the orthogonal projection onto divergence-free vector fields; we refer to $A$
as the Stokes operator. Note that by orthogonality, $\lVert P \rVert _{L^2\rightarrow L^2}\leq 1$
. Moreover,

where $\hat {u}(n)$ denotes the Fourier coefficient of $u$
corresponding to wavenumber $n\in \mathbb {Z}^2$
. Also, powers of $A$
can be defined spectrally via:

Hence, $P$ commutes with $\Delta$
in the setting of periodic boundary conditions. Recall that for $u\in H^1_\sigma$
the Poincaré inequality states:

It follows that for each integer $k\geq 1$, there exists a constant $c_k>0$
such that

whenever $u\in H^k_\sigma$. In particular, by the Parseval identity, it follows that there also exist constants $c_k>0$
such that

for all $u\in H^k_\sigma$.
Given $t_0\geq 0$ and $f\in L^\infty (t_0,\infty ;L^2_\sigma )$
, we define the Grashof-type number by

where $\kappa _0=(2\pi )/L$, where $L$
is the linear length of the domain; since $\Omega =[0,2\pi ]^2$
, we see that $\kappa _0=1$
. We note that the Grashof number is traditionally denoted by $G$
, that is, undecorated, when the force is independent of time. Since we allow for time-dependence in the force, we will distinguish between the two notations by making use of tilde. See, for instance [Reference Balci, Foias and Jolly5], where this distinction is also maintained.
Observe that $Pf=f$, for any $f\in L^2_\sigma$
. One has the following classical results regarding the existence theory for (2.3) [Reference Constantin and Foias26, Reference Foias, Manley, Rosa and Temam41, Reference Temam65, Reference Temam66].
Theorem 2.1 Let $t_0\geq 0$ and $f\in L^\infty (t_0,\infty ;L^2_\sigma )$
. For all $u_0\in H^1_\sigma$
, there exists a unique $u\in C([t_0,T];H_\sigma ^1)\cap L^2(t_0,T;H^{2})$
satisfying (2.3), for all $T>0$
, such that $({{\rm d}}/{{\rm d}t})u\in L^2(t_0,T;L^2_\sigma )$

for all $t\geq t_0\geq 0$.
From (2.10), we see that for $t_0=0$ and all $t>0$
sufficiently large, depending on $\lVert A ^{1/2}u_0\rVert _{L^2}$
, one has:

Let ${\tilde {B}}_1$ denote the ball of radius $\tilde {R}_1$
, centred at the origin in $L^2_\sigma$
. Observe that $A^{1/2}u_0\in \tilde {B}_1$
implies via (2.10) that $u(t;u_0,f)\in \tilde {B}_1$
, for all $t\geq 0$
, where $u(t;u_0,f)$
denotes the unique solution of (2.3) with initial data $u_0$
and external forcing $f$
. Moreover, there exists a constant ${\tilde {c}}_2>0$
such that if $f\in L^\infty (0,\infty ;H^1_\sigma )$
and $Au_0\in \alpha {\tilde {B}}_2$
, where $\alpha >0$
is arbitrary, ${\tilde {B}}_2$
denotes the ball of radius $\tilde {R}_2={\tilde {c}}_2\nu (\tilde {G}+\tilde {\sigma }_1)\tilde {G}$
, centred at the origin in $L^2_\sigma$
, and $\alpha {\tilde {B}}_2$
the same ball of radius $\alpha {\tilde {R}}_2$
, then

for all $t\geq 0$, where $\tilde {\sigma }_1$
denotes a ‘shape factor’ defined by

In other words, $Au_0\in \alpha {\tilde {B}}_2$ implies $Au(t)\in (1+\alpha ^2)^{1/2}{\tilde {B}}_2$
, for all $t\geq 0$
. Observe that $\tilde {\sigma }_1\geq 1$
by Poincaré's inequality. In particular, if $Au_0\in {\tilde {B}}_2$
, then

Bounds sharper than (2.14) were established in [Reference Dascaliuc, Foias and Jolly27] in the setting where $f$ was time-independent. In this particular case, one has that:

holds for all $t\geq 0$, for some $c_2>0$
, provided that $u_0\in B_2$
, the ball of radius $R_2$
in $H^2_\sigma$
. Here, $G$
denotes the Grashof number, which is simply given by (2.9) when $f$
is time-independent. Similarly, $\sigma _1$
is given by (2.13) when $f$
is time-independent. For the sake of completeness, we supply a short proof of (2.15) in Appendix A.
3. Description of the algorithm
We consider the following feedback control system:

where $h$, possibly time-dependent, is given. The well-posedness theory and synchronization properties of this model were originally developed in [Reference Azouani, Olson and Titi4] for a more general class of observables, which includes projection onto finitely many Fourier modes as a special case, in [Reference Bessaih, Olson and Titi7, Reference Blömker, Law, Stuart and Zygalakis12] in the setting of noisy observations, while the issue of synchronization in higher-order topologies was studied in [Reference Biswas, Brown and Martinez8, Reference Biswas and Martinez10]. In the idealized setting considered in this article, the existence, uniqueness results in [Reference Azouani, Olson and Titi4] will suffice for our purposes. This is stated in the following theorem.
Theorem 3.1 Let $t_0\geq 0$ and $h\in L^\infty (t_0,\infty ;L^2_\sigma )$
. Let $u$
denote the unique solution of (2.3) corresponding to initial data $u_0\in H^1_\sigma$
guaranteed by theorem 2.1. There exists a constant ${\tilde {c}}>0$
such if $\mu,N$

then given $v_0\in H^1_\sigma$, there exists a unique solution, $v$
, to the initial value problem corresponding to (3.1) such that

for any $T>0$.
The feedback control system (3.1) was originally conceived as a way to assimilate observations on the flow field into the equations of motion in order to reconstruct the unobserved scales of motion. There exists a considerable body of research analysing the extent to which this is possible in various situations in hydrodynamics such as Rayleigh–Bénard convection [Reference Altaf, Titi, Gebrael, Knio, Zhao and McCabe3, Reference Cao, Jolly, Titi and Whitehead14, Reference Farhat, Glatt-Holtz, Martinez, McQuarrie and Whitehead32–Reference Farhat, Lunasin and Titi35, Reference Farhat, Lunasin and Titi37], turbulence [Reference Albanez, Nussenzveig Lopes and Titi2, Reference Chen, Li and Lunasin19, Reference Clark Di Leoni, Mazzino and Biferale23, Reference Farhat, Lunasin and Titi38, Reference Larios and Pei58, Reference Yu, Giorgini, Jolly and Pakzad67, Reference Zauner, Mons, Marquet and Leclaire68], geophysical fluids [Reference Albanez and Benvenutti1, Reference Desamsetti, Dasari, Langodan, Titi, Knio and Hoteit30, Reference Farhat, Lunasin and Titi36, Reference Jolly, Martinez, Olson and Titi52, Reference Jolly, Martinez and Titi53, Reference Pei64], dispersive equations [Reference Jolly, Sadigov and Titi54, Reference Jolly, Sadigov and Titi55], as well as various numerical analytical and computational studies [Reference Blocher, Martinez and Olson13, Reference Celik, Olson and Titi18, Reference Diegel and Rebholz31, Reference Foias, Mondaini and Titi42, Reference García-Archilla and Novo48–Reference Ibdah, Mondaini and Titi51, Reference Larios, Rebholz and Zerfas59].
Given $h$, we may thus obtain from (3.1) an approximate reconstruction of the high modes of $u$
via $Q_Nv=(I-P_N)v$
. We therefore propose the following algorithm: let $h=f_0$
denote the initial guess for the forcing field, defined for all $t\geq t_0$
, for some fixed initial time $t_0\geq 0$
, and let $v^0$
to be an arbitrary initial state; $f_0$
is considered to be the approximation at stage $n=0$
that is prescribed by the user and may, in fact, be chosen arbitrarily. Suppose that $P_Nf_0=f_0$
. Then, at stage $n=1$
, we consider:

We define the first approximation to the flow field by

By design, $u_1$ will relax towards $u$
after a transient period, $\rho _1:=t_1-t_0$
, that is proportional to the relaxation timescale, $\mu ^{-1}$
, where $t_1\gg t_0$
, but only up to an error of size $O(g_0)$
, where $g_0:=f_0-f$
, which represents the ‘model error’. Only after this period has transpired we will extract the first approximation to $f$
via the formula:

Observe that $P_Nf_1=f_1$. To obtain new approximations in subsequent stages, we proceed recursively: suppose that at stage $n-1$
, a force, $f_{n-1}=P_Nf_{n-1}$
over $t\in I_{n-1}:=[t_{n-2}+\rho _{n-1},\infty )$
, has been produced, where the relaxation period satisfies $\rho _{n-1}\gg 0$
, and an arbitrary initial state, $v_n^0$
, has been given. Then, consider:

Let $u_n=P_Nu+Q_Nv_n$, for $t\in I_{n-1}$
, and define the approximation to the force at stage $n$

This procedure produces a sequence of forces $f_1|_{I_1}, f_2|_{I_2}, f_3|_{I_3},\dots$ that approximates $f$
on time intervals $I_n$
whose left-hand endpoints are increasing with $n$
. In particular, the sequence $\{f_n|_{I_n}\}_n$
asymptotically approximates $f$
The key step to ensuring convergence of the generated sequence $\{f_n\}_{n\geq 1}$ to the true forcing, $f$
, is to control model errors, $g_n:=f_n-f$
, at each stage, in terms of the synchronization errors, $w_n$
, which, in turn, are controlled by the model error from the previous stage; this will be guaranteed to be the case after transient periods of length $\rho _n:=t_n-t_{n-1}$
, which allows relaxation in (3.4) to take place. However, it will be shown that this convergence can only be guaranteed to occur on the ‘observational subspace’ $P_NL^2_\sigma$
, for $N$
sufficiently large. Indeed, a crucial observation at this point is that if $f=P_Nf$
, then $f_n=P_Nf_n$
, for all $N\geq 1$
. We refer the reader to remarks 4.6 and 5.2 for additional remarks on the basic expectations for recovering force from low-mode data and the underlying limitations of this algorithm. We refer the reader to remark 7.1 for a more detailed discussion on the size of the transient periods, $\rho _n$
Remark 3.2 We remark that the first guess, $f_0$, need not be arbitrary and can be chosen to be:

as suggested in (1.2), where $t_{0}>0$ is chosen sufficiently large so that $u(t_0)$
is contained in an absorbing ball for (2.3). Similarly, the initial states, $v_n^0$
, at each stage need not be arbitrary. Since $\{P_Nu(t)\}_{t\geq t_0}$
is assumed to be given, one can initialize the system governing $v_n$
at time $t=t_{n-1}$
with $v_n^0=P_Nu(t_{n-1})$
at each stage. These natural choices would presumably aid in the implementation of the proposed algorithm; we refer the reader to remark 7.1 for additional remarks related to this point.
Before outlining the proofs, we rigorously state the main results of the article.
4. Statements of main results
Let $A^{1/2}u_0\in \tilde {B}_1$ and $Au_0\in \tilde {B}_2$
and $f\in C([t_0,\infty );L^2_\sigma )\cap L^\infty (t_0,\infty ;L^2_\sigma )$
, for some $t_0\geq 0$
, where $\tilde {B}_1 ,\tilde {B}_2$
were defined as in § 2. Let $u$
denote the unique strong solution of (2.3) corresponding to forcing $f$
and initial data $u_0$
guaranteed by theorem 2.1 corresponding to initial velocity $u_0$
and external forcing $f$
. Given $t_0\geq 0$
, let $\gamma _0$
denote the initial relative error defined by

where $f_0$ is a user-prescribed initial guess for the force which satisfies $f_0\in C([t_0,\infty );L^2_\sigma )\cap L^\infty (t_0,\infty ;L^2_\sigma )$
. Recall that the assumptions on the initial data imply [via (2.10), (2.15)] that $A^{1/2}u(t)\in \tilde {B}_1$
and $Au(t)\in 2\tilde {B}_2$
, for all $t\geq 0$
Theorem 4.1 Suppose that $f=P_Nf$, for some $N\geq 1$
, and that $\{P_Nu(t)\}_{t\geq t_0}$
is given. There exists a positive constant $c$
, depending on $\gamma _0$
, such that for any $\beta \in (0,1)$
, if $N\geq 1$

then there exists a choice for the tuning parameter $\mu$ and increasing sequence of times $t_{n-1}\leq t_n$
, for $n\geq 2$
, such that

for all $n\geq 1$, where $f_n=P_Nf_n$
, $f_n\in C([t_0,\infty );L^2_\sigma )\cap L^\infty (t_0,\infty ;L^2_\sigma )$
, and each $f_n$
is given by (3.8).
Remark 4.2 It is worth pointing out that (4.2) depends on the unknown forcing $f$. However, it must be emphasized that this condition only depends on $f$
through its size. From a practical perspective, one must always approach the problem of parameter estimation with prior knowledge in hand. In this light, what condition (4.2) indicates is that if one has access to the Grashof number of the flow, for instance through measurement of the Reynolds number (see remark 4.7), then the only prior knowledge on the force that is needed to achieve exact recovery is knowledge of its shape factor ${\tilde {\sigma }}_1$
. It moreover indicates that having such knowledge in one's possession can quantitatively inform what balance is needed between the number of observations and the algorithmic parameter, $\mu$
, to ensure a full reconstruction of the unknown force.
Remark 4.3 Regarding condition (4.2), we remind the reader that $\tilde {G}$ also depends on viscosity. Thus, the intuition that the number of observations needed should increase as the viscosity decreases or that fewer observations are needed when viscosity is large is reflected in the statement.
Note that when $f$ is time-dependent, theorem 4.1 only asserts recovery of the external force asymptotically in time. However, when the force is time-periodic or time-independent, then theorem 4.1 immediately implies that the external force is eventually recovered; we provide a statement of the time-independent case in the following corollary since the corresponding approximating forces are obtained by evaluating the sequence of approximating forces asserted in theorem 4.1 at certain times.
Corollary 4.4 Suppose that $f=P_Nf$, for some $N\geq 1$
, is time-independent, and that $\{P_Nu(t)\}_{t\geq t_0}$
is given. There exists a positive constant $c_0$
, depending on $\gamma _0$
, such that for any $\beta \in (0,1)$
, if $N\geq 1$

then there exists a choice for the tuning parameter $\mu$ and an increasing sequence of times $t_{n-1}\leq t_n$
such that

for all $n\geq 1$, where $f_n=P_Nf_n$
and each $f_n$
is given by (3.8) evaluated at $t=t_n$
In the setting of time-independent forcing, one can in fact ‘recycle’ the data provided that a sufficiently long time series is available. By ‘recycle’ we mean that once an approximation to the force is proposed by the algorithm at a given stage, we may use this proposed forcing to re-run the algorithm over the same time window to produce the subsequent approximation of the force in the following stage, and so on. In this way, the same data set is used over and over in order to generate new approximations to the force.
Theorem 4.5 Let $T>0$. Suppose that $f=P_Nf$
, for some $N\geq 1$
, is time-independent, and that $\{P_Nu(t)\}_{t\in [0,T)}$
is given, for some $t_0\geq 0$
. There exists a positive constant $c_0$
, depending on $\gamma _0$
, such that for any $\beta \in (0,1)$
, if $N\geq 1$

then for each $n\geq 1$, there exists a choice for the tuning parameter $\mu$
and a sequence of times, $t_n>0$
, such that if $T>t_0+t_n$
, for all $n\geq 1$
, then

for all $n\geq 1$, where $f_n=P_Nf_n$
, $f_n\in L^2_\sigma$
, and each is determined by a procedure similar to that in § 3, except that $v_n, u_n, f_n$
are always derived on the interval $[0,T)$
The proof of theorem 4.5 follows along the same lines as that of theorem 4.1, except that one requires a few technical modifications of the set-up described in § 3; we supply the relevant details of these modifications in § 7.
Remark 4.6 A well-known example given by Marchioro [Reference Marchioro60] exhibits a scenario where observation of low modes below the spectrum of the forcing are sufficient to determine the forcing. In particular, the study [Reference Marchioro60] identifies a class of low-mode body forces for which the asymptotic behaviour of solutions to (2.3) are characterized by a one-point global attractor for (2.3) whose unique stationary point is supported on a frequency shell strictly smaller than that of the force. Of course, this phenomenon is made possible due to the presence of nonlinearity in (2.3).
The extent to which it is possible to determine features of the forcing beyond the scales which are observed is, in general, not known and in particular, not addressed by theorem 4.5. Indeed, condition (4.6) identifies an upper bound on the number of modes that one should observe in order to uniquely determine the forcing provided that scales beyond those that are directly observed are not forced to begin with. In particular, it would be interesting to (1) study the sharpness of condition (4.6), and (2) whether one may identify classes of forces, beyond the Marchioro class, which inject energy into scales larger than those which are directly observed, preferably much larger, but can nevertheless be reconstructed by these observations. These issues are left to be investigated in a future study.
Remark 4.7 There are at least three natural directions that warrant further investigation. First and foremost, a systematic computational study that probes the efficacy and limitations of this method for recovering the force should be carried out, especially in the context of noisy observations. For instance, each of the above theorems suggests that a large number of modes are required to achieve convergence. In the context of a turbulent flow, $G\sim \text {Re}^2$, where $\text {Re}$
denotes the Reynolds number of the flow [Reference Dascaliuc, Foias and Jolly28, Reference Dascaliuc, Foias and Jolly29], which may be intractably large in practice. On the contrary, the analysis performed here inherently takes into account ‘worst-case’ scenarios that may saturate various inequalities that were used, but which may occur rarely in reality. This direction will be explored in future research.
Secondly, the choice of Fourier modes as the form of observations is chosen due to its conceptual and analytical convenience. In principle, other observations on the velocity, such as nodal values or local spatial averages can also be used. However, the choice of Fourier modes allows one to commute the ‘observation operator’, $P_N$ with derivatives, which greatly facilitates the analysis. The failure of this commutation introduces further analytical difficulties. Indeed, the original feedback control system was introduced with a general interpolant observable operator, $I_h$
, replacing $P_N$
in (3.1). In connection to this, the reader is referred to the classical studies [Reference Cockburn, Jones and Titi24, Reference Cockburn, Jones and Titi25, Reference Foias and Temam46, Reference Jones and Titi56, Reference Jones and Titi57], where the notion of ‘finite determining parameters’, properly generalizing ‘determining modes’, was developed.
Thirdly, although the existence of an inertial manifold for the 2D NSE is an open problem, there are several systems, which do possesses inertial manifolds [Reference Foias, Sell and Temam45, Reference Temam66], such as the Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equation [Reference Foias, Nicolaenko, Sell and Temam43]; it would be interesting to explore what can be gained in this particular context. In a similar vein, it would also be interesting to explore the usage of approximate inertial manifolds for the 2D NSE, as it is used, for instance, in post-processing Galerkin methods. Indeed, these ideas have been successfully used in the context of downscaling data assimilation algorithms in [Reference Mondaini and Titi62].
5. Outline of the convergence argument
To prove theorem 4.1, the object of interest will be the error in the forcing, which we also refer to as ‘model error’. This is denoted by

where $f_n$ is generated from the scheme described in § 3. We claim the following: there exists a sequence of times $t_n\geq t_{n-1}$
, for all $n\geq 1$
, such that

for some $\beta \in (0,1)$. The lengths of the relaxation periods, $\rho _n:=t_n-t_{n-1}$
, between the moments, $t_{n-1}, t_n$
, at which we choose to reconstitute new forces, $f_{n-1}, f_n$
, respectively, are prescribed to be sufficiently large in order to allow time for system (3.7) to relax. As we will see, the length of these relaxation periods, $\rho _n$
, will essentially be determined by the relaxation parameter $\mu$
; the reader is referred to remark 7.1 for a precise relation.
Let us denote the synchronization error by

Observe that the evolution of $w_n$ over the time interval $[t_{n-1},\infty )$
is governed by

where $DB(u)v:=B(u,v)+B(v,u)$. Let $B_N=P_NB$
and $DB_N=P_NDB$
. Then, using (2.3), the facts that $P_Nf=f$
and $u_n=P_Nu+Q_Nv_N$
, and (3.8), we obtain

which holds over $[t_{n-1},\infty )$. In analogy to (1.5), we define the ‘Reynolds stress’ at stage $n$

Ultimately, (5.5) enables us to envision a recursion in the model error at each stage through the dependence of $\mathcal {R}_N^{(n)}$ on $\mathcal {R}_N^{(n-1)}$
via the synchronization error $w_n$
. Hence, in order to prove that $\mathcal {R}_{N}^{(n)}$
vanishes in the limit as $n\rightarrow \infty$
, we require sensitivity-type estimates, that is, estimates on $w_n$
. The estimates will take on the following form:

for all $t\geq t_n$, for some sufficiently large $t_n\geq t_{n-1}$
. Before we go on to develop estimates of form (5.6) in § 6, let us first determine the precise manner in which their application will arise.
Remark 5.1 In what follows and for the remainder of the paper, we make use of the convention that $C$ denotes a generic dimensionless constant, which may change line-to-line and possibly be large, but will always be independent of $N,\nu, \gamma _0$
To estimate (5.5), we will invoke the following inequalities for $B(u,v)$, which follows from a direct application of Hölder's inequality:

We will also make use of the fact that $P_N, Q_N$ commute with $A^{m/2}$
, for all integers $m$
, and that the following inequalities hold for all $N>0$
, $\ell >0$
, and $m\in \mathbb {Z}$

Lastly, we make the following elementary, but important observation for treating the first term appearing in (5.5): for vector fields $u=(u_1,u_2)$ and $v=(v_1,v_2)$
, we have:

where $B(u,v)_i$ denotes the $i$
-th component of the vector field $B(u,v)$
. Thus, upon applying (5.8) and Hölder's inequality, we obtain:

From (5.5), we now apply (5.9), (5.7), (5.8), and interpolation to obtain

for some universal constant $C_0>0$, independent of $n$
, for all $t\geq t_{n-1}$
. Note that we also invoked the assumption that $u$
belongs to the absorbing ball in $H^1_\sigma$
and $H^2_\sigma$
[see (2.11), (2.14), respectively] in obtaining the final inequality. It is at this point that one applies (5.6) in order to properly close the recursive estimate. In order to rigorously carry out this argument, let us therefore prove that (5.6) indeed holds.
Remark 5.2 In the case when the force contains modes beyond those that are observed, one can identify an obstruction that precludes a proof in the manner described above. Suppose that $f\neq P_Nf$. Then, modify the ansatz (3.8) for the force at each stage by removing the projection onto low modes. In particular, re-define $f_n$
so that:

Then, the model error becomes:

Upon applying the complementary projection, $Q_N$, to (5.3), and combining the result with (5.11), we see that:

where $B^N=Q_NB$ and $DB^N=Q_NDB$
. Due to the presence of $Q_Ng_{n-1}$
on the right-hand side, one cannot expect to obtain a convergent recursive relation of the form $\lVert Q _Ng_n\rVert _{L^2}\leq \beta \lVert Q _Ng_{n-1}\rVert _{L^2}$
, for some $\beta \in (0,1)$
. Although one can establish an estimate of $Q_Ng_n$
from this relation that is of the form $\lVert Q _Ng_n-Q_Ng_{n-1}\rVert _{L^2}\leq O_N(\lVert A ^{1/2}Q_Nw_n\rVert _{L^2})$
, where the suppressed constant has a favourable dependence on $N$
, a subsequent analysis will nevertheless be unable to establish a suitable recursion relation since we will only ever have access to an estimate of the form (5.6).
6. Sensitivity analysis
We establish a more precise form of the crucial estimates (5.6), which form the bridge to the desired recursion for the model error at each stage of the approximation. For this, we recall the notation introduced in § 5. In particular, we prove the following.
Proposition 6.1 There exist universal constants $\overline {c}_0, \underline {c}_0\geq 1$ such that if $\mu, N$

then for each $n\geq 1$, there exist relaxation periods, $\rho _n=t_n-t_{n-1}$
, for some $t_n>t_{n-1}$
, such that

where $I_n:=[t_{n-1}+\rho _n,\infty )$, for some universal constant $C_1\geq 1$
, independent of $n$
. Moreover, $\rho _n$
satisfies (6.5).
Proof. Fix $n\geq 1$. The enstrophy-balance for $w_n$
is obtained by taking the $L^2$
-inner product of (5.3) by $Aw_n$
, which yields:

Observe that by interpolation, the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, Poincaré's inequality, and (2.11), (2.14), we may estimate:

Similarly, we obtain:

For the third term, we apply the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality to obtain:

Lastly, we have:

Upon combining the estimates for $I$–$IV$
and invoking (6.1), where $\underline {c}_0, \overline {c}_0\geq 1$
are chosen appropriately relative to the constants $C$
appearing above, we arrive at:

An application of Gronwall's inequality yields:

for all $t\geq t_n$, for some $C_1\geq 1$
independent of $n$
. Now, recall that $w_n(t_{n-1})=v^0_n-u(t_{n-1})$
. We choose $\rho _n>0$
such that:

Returning to (6.4), it follows that

as desired.
7. Proofs of convergence
Let us assume that $f=P_Nf$. At the initializing stage, $n=0$
, we consider any $f_0\in C([0,\infty );L^2_\sigma )\cap L^\infty ([0,\infty ;);L^2_\sigma )$
. Recall that in each subsequent stage, we will produce a new approximation, $f_n$
, for the force via the ansatz (3.8). We proceed by induction.
Proof Proof of theorem 4.1
Fix $\beta \in (0,1)$. We choose $c_0$
to satisfy:

where $C_0, C_1, \underline {c}_0$ are the universal constants appearing in (5.10), (6.1), (6.2), respectively, and $\gamma _0$
denotes the initial relative error defined by (4.1). Fix any $c_1\leq {\tilde {c}}$
, where ${\tilde {c}}$
is the constant appearing in (3.2). Then, assume that $\mu, N$
satisfies (4.2) with $c=c_0c_1^{-1}$
. Then, choose $\mu$
such that:

Observe that $N$ satisfies (4.2) with $c=c_0c_1^{-1}$
. Since $c_0\geq \underline {c}_0$
by choice, it immediately follows that (6.1) also holds.
Let $n=1$. Denote $\mathcal {R}_N^{(0)}:=g_0=f_0-f$
. Observe that from (2.9), (4.1), we have:

Combining proposition 6.1, (5.10) for $n=1$, and (7.2) ensures that there exists a relaxation period $\rho _1>0$
, for some $t_1\geq t_0$
, such that

where $I_1=[t_0+\rho _1,\infty )$.
Further assume that $\mu$ satisfies:

where $C_1$ is the same constant appearing in (7.3). Then, (7.3), (6.1), and (7.4) imply:

This establishes the base case.
Now, suppose that for all $k=1,\ldots, n$, there exist relaxation periods $\rho _k$
, such that:

With (7.2), it follows that:

for all $k=1,\dots, n$. We may thus deduce from proposition 6.1, (5.10), and (7.7) that

An application of (7.4) and (6.1) then implies

as desired. This completes the induction.
Remark 7.1 From the proof of theorem 4.1, we can obtain more informative estimates on the relaxation periods, $\rho _n$. Indeed, by (6.5) and (7.2), we see that the first relaxation period satisfies:

In subsequent stages, $n\geq 1$, by (6.5) and (6.2) applied at the preceding stage, we may deduce that the relaxation periods satisfy:

One may then observe that (7.9) and (7.10) follow a consistent pattern if we allow ourselves to make special, but nevertheless natural choices for initial force ansatz, $f_0$, and the initial data, $v_1^0$
, of the first nudged system. Indeed, suppose that the solution, $u$
, of (2.3) possesses additional regularity, for instance, $Au(t_0)\in L^2_\sigma$
. Now, initialize the nudged system (3.4) with $v_1^0=P_Nu(t_0)$
and let the initial guess $f_0$
be given by (1.2). Then, the first relaxation period satisfies:

where we applied the Poincaré inequality, the upper bound in (7.1), and (2.9).
Now, we prove a variation on the time-independent case, which allows one to recycle the existing data.
Proof Proof sketch of theorem 4.5
We modify the algorithm in §3 as follows: let $J_0=I_0=[t_0,\infty )$. For convenience, we assume that $t_0=0$
. Suppose that $\{P_Nu(t)\}_{t\in J_0}$
is known. At stage $n=1$
, we suppose initial data $v_1^0$
is given and solve (3.4) to produce the solution $v_1$
over $J_0$
. We then define (3.5) over $J_0$
and immediately generate $f_1(t)$
via (3.6) over $J_0$
. To define the stage $1$
approximation to $f$
, we evaluate $f_1(t)$
after a transient period of length $\rho _1>0$
to obtain $f_1:=f_1(\rho _1)$
In subsequent stages $n\geq 1$, we generate $v_n$
over $J_0$
via (3.7), where $f_{n-1} :=f_{n-1}(\rho _{n-1})$
was generated from the preceding stage, $n-1$
. We then define the stage-$n$
approximation to the true state over $J_0$
by $u_n=P_Nu+Q_Nv_n$
. We generate a new force, $f_n(t)$
, via the ansatz (3.8). The stage-$n$
approximation of $f$
is then given by $f_n(\rho _n)$
, for some $\rho _n>0$
To assess the error, we once again form the synchronization error, $w_n=v_n-u$, and the model error, $g_n(t)=f_n(t)-f$
. For each $n\geq 1$
, the identity (5.5) still holds. Consequently, (5.10) holds as well. The remaining ingredient to establish convergence is a time-independent force analogue of proposition 6.1.
Supposing that (6.1) holds with $\tilde {G}\mapsto G$, the proof of proposition 6.1 proceeds the same way, except that the analysis is carried out entirely over the interval $J_0$
, to arrive at the analogue of (6.4):

One chooses $\rho _n>0$ according to:

so that (7.12) yields:

It is at this time $t=\rho _n$, that we evaluate (3.8).
After these adjustments, it is now clear that the proof of theorem 4.5 follows an analogous manner to the proof theorem 4.1, mutatis mutandis.
The author graciously acknowledges the generosity and support of the ADAPT group, as well as efforts of the referees in reviewing this manuscript. Support for this project was also provided by the National Science Foundation through NSF-DMS 2213363 and NSF-DMS 2206491, as well as PSC-CUNY Award 65187-00 53, which is jointly funded by The Professional Staff Congress and The City University of New York.
Appendix A. Uniform-in-time estimates for palenstrophy
We now provide uniform-in-time estimates in $H^2$ for the reference flow field when the external force field is time-dependent. We begin by establishing an alternative form of the standard enstrophy balance of (2.3) as it is presented in theorem 2.1. Indeed, upon taking the $L^2$
-inner product of (2.3) with $Au$
, we obtain:

By the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality and (2.9), we see that:

By the Poincaré inequality, it follows that:

Integrating over $t\geq t_0$ yields:

which is (2.10), as desired. Thus, for $u_0\in {\tilde {B}}_1$, we may deduce:

for all $t\geq t_0\geq 0$.
Proof Proof of (2.12)
Upon taking the $L^2$-inner product of (2.3) with $A^2u$
, we obtain:

Observe that integration by parts multiple times yields:

where we applied the identity $\langle B(u,v),v\rangle =0$. It then follows from Hölder's inequality, interpolation, Young's inequality, and (2.10) that:

where $c_L\geq 1$ is the associated constant of interpolation, i.e. $\lVert Au \rVert _{L^4}^2\leq c_L\lVert Au \rVert _{L^2}\lVert A ^{3/2}u\rVert _{L^2}$
. We treat $II$
with integration by parts and the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality to obtain:

We now combine the estimates $I,II$, and apply Poincaré's inequality to arrive at:

An application of Gronwall's inequality yields:

for all $t \geq t_0\geq 0$. We now apply (A.1) to bound:

where ${\tilde {c}}_2=12c_L$, which holds for all $t\geq t_0\geq 0$
Therefore, if $\lVert Au _0\rVert _{L^2}\leq \alpha {\tilde {c}}_2\nu (\tilde {\sigma }_1+\tilde {G})\tilde {G}$, for any $\alpha >0$
, then

for all $t\geq 0$. This completes the proof.