Policy on prior publication
When authors submit manuscripts to this journal, these manuscripts should not be under consideration, accepted for publication or in press within a different journal, book or similar entity, unless explicit permission or agreement has been sought from all entities involved. However, deposition of a preprint on the author’s personal website, in an institutional repository, or in a preprint archive shall not be viewed as prior or duplicate publication. Authors should follow the Cambridge University Press Preprint Policy regarding preprint archives and maintaining the version of record.
Contributions should be approximately 7,000 words or fewer.
Authors should observe the conventions of Philosophy Supplements, as outlined below. The Editor(s) of the Supplement will alter manuscripts wherever necessary to make them conform to these stylistic and bibliographical conventions.
Download the Royal Institute of Philosophy supplements artwork guidelines here:
Manuscript Style and Formatting
Quotation marks
Single quotation marks should be used except where there is a quotation within another.
E.g. 'He cried out "one should only use double quotation marks within single quotation marks", and stormed off.'
Unless the punctuation is an integral part of the quotation, it should be outside the quotation marks.
E.g. She looked up and asked 'Like this?'
He nodded and replied 'yes, that's exactly right'.
Titles of articles should be in single quotation marks. Scare quotes should be in single quotation marks.
The titles of books and journals should be in italics.
Foreign words and phrases should be in italics.
E.g. 'reductio ad absurdum' and 'a priori'.
Hyphens, en-rules, em-rules
En-rules should be used for parentheses, rather than em-rules.
E.g. 'En-rules are – according to Hart's rules – the most appropriate for London journals.'
'En-rules are─according to Hart's rules─the most appropriate for London journals.'
En-rules should be used to indicate ranges, rather than hyphens.
E.g. '136–234'
Citations should appear in-text, in the form ‘(Surname, year, p. n)’ where ‘n’ is the page number. (In the case where the citation refers to a range of pages, please use ‘pp.’ rather than ‘p.’).
Full references should follow the style of the below examples:
Mary Midgley, ‘Gene-juggling’, Philosophy, 54 (1979), 439–458.
Barbara Vetter, Potentiality. From Dispositions to Modality (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015).
Citations should be in-text where possible, and footnotes should not exclusively contain references, although can contain a number of references preceded by, for example, ‘For related work, see...’
– do not include 'pp.' or 'p.' to indicate pages
– do not use 'op. cit.'. When referencing an earlier work, cite the author's surname, the title of the text, and the page number. E.g. Louden, Morality and Moral Theory, 233
– do NOT include a bibliography.
Abstracts should appear at the start of articles, and should be between 100 and 200 words in length.
Sub-sections should be headed with Arabic rather than Roman numerals.
At the end of articles, the name of the author's institution should appear in italics. We will also include the author's email address, unless requested not to.
Only corrections of typesetter's errors can be allowed in proofs. Authors are therefore asked to send any alterations or additions to the Editor(s) as soon as possible after their chapter has been accepted for inclusion in the Supplement.
Contributors will be asked to assign their copyright (on certain conditions) to the Royal Institute of Philosophy so that their interest may be safeguarded. PUBLICATION OF THE PIECE IS ONLY POSSIBLE ONCE COPYRIGHT HAS BEEN SECURED.
Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any material in which they do not own copyright, to be used in both print and electronic media, and for ensuring that the appropriate acknowledgements are included in their manuscript.
Authors' corrected proofs should be sent via email to assistant@royalinstitutephilosophy.org
© Royal Institute of Philosophy
Competing Interests
All authors must include a competing interest declaration in their title page. This declaration will be subject to editorial review and may be published in the article.
Competing interests are situations that could be perceived to exert an undue influence on the content or publication of an author’s work. They may include, but are not limited to, financial, professional, contractual or personal relationships or situations.
If the manuscript has multiple authors, the author submitting must include competing interest declarations relevant to all contributing authors.
Example wording for a declaration is as follows: “Competing interests: Author 1 is employed at organisation A, Author 2 is on the Board of company B and is a member of organisation C. Author 3 has received grants from company D.” If no competing interests exist, the declaration should state “Competing interests: The author(s) declare none”.
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Authorship and contributorship
All authors listed on any papers submitted to this journal must be in agreement that the authors listed would all be considered authors according to disciplinary norms, and that no authors who would reasonably be considered an author have been excluded. For further details on this journal’s authorship policy, please see this journal's publishing ethics policies.
Use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools
We acknowledge the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in the research and writing processes. To ensure transparency, we expect any such use to be declared and described fully to readers, and to comply with our plagiarism policy and best practices regarding citation and acknowledgements. We do not consider artificial intelligence (AI) tools to meet the accountability requirements of authorship, and therefore generative AI tools such as ChatGPT and similar should not be listed as an author on any submitted content.
In particular, any use of an AI tool:
- to generate images within the manuscript should be accompanied by a full description of the process used, and declared clearly in the image caption(s)
- to generate text within the manuscript should be accompanied by a full description of the process used, include appropriate and valid references and citations, and be declared in the manuscript’s Acknowledgements.
- to analyse or extract insights from data or other materials, for example through the use of text and data mining, should be accompanied by a full description of the process used, including details and appropriate citation of any dataset(s) or other material analysed in all relevant and appropriate areas of the manuscript
- must not present ideas, words, data, or other material produced by third parties without appropriate acknowledgement or permission
Descriptions of AI processes used should include at minimum the version of the tool/algorithm used, where it can be accessed, any proprietary information relevant to the use of the tool/algorithm, any modifications of the tool made by the researchers (such as the addition of data to a tool’s public corpus), and the date(s) it was used for the purpose(s) described. Any relevant competing interests or potential bias arising as a consequence of the tool/algorithm’s use should be transparently declared and may be discussed in the article.
English language editing services
Authors, particularly those whose first language is not English, may wish to have their English-language manuscripts checked by a native speaker before submission. This step is optional, but may help to ensure that the academic content of the paper is fully understood by the Editor and any reviewers.
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Author Hub
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Supplementary materials
Material that is not essential to understanding or supporting a manuscript, but which may nonetheless be relevant or interesting to readers, may be submitted as supplementary materials. Supplementary materials will be published online alongside your article, but will not be published in the pages of the journal. Types of supplementary materials may include, but are not limited to, appendices, additional tables or figures, datasets, videos, and sound files.
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Where relevant we encourage authors to publish additional qualitative or quantitative research outputs in an appropriate repository, and cite these in manuscripts.