We will need a final electronic version (a Word document, not a PDF). This final copy should be doubled-spaced, include the article title and your name as you wish to see it in print at the top, and present all references as footnotes. It should be submitted, as with individual manuscripts, to via ScholarOne (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/slavic-review) electronically (please direct any questions about the submission process to slavrev@illinois.edu).
Please enter into ScholarOne the following when you submit your final manuscript (electronic-only is fine):
(1) a 150-word abstract
(2) a 50- to 75-word biographical sketch about yourself for our “Contributors” page. This should include your rank and affiliation and may also include publications and current research.
Submit as separate electronic files in MS Word into ScholarOne. If images or tables are included, please groups these in a file separate from the text.