Using observations of the sun made with the Washington six-inch transit circle from 1911 to 1971, equator and equinox corrections based on Newcomb's, DE102, and DE200 ephemerides are given for each of six catalogs of results of observations made during that period. Each of these catalogs was observed and discussed fundamentally, that is, in such a way as to decouple the system of the catalog positions from dependence on previously given systems of catalog positions and proper motions.
Variations of the solutions for the equator and equinox corrections and of earth orbital parameters including corrections to the ephemeris mean longitude of the sun, the mean obliquity of the ecliptic, the mean longitude of perihelion, and the mean eccentricity of the earth's orbit are discussed for solutions based on the independent catalog systems and on the catalog systems referred to the FK4 and to an improved FK4 in which an epoch dependent correction to the right ascension zero point has been applied.