The smallest radio Einstein Ring, B2018+357, discovered by Patnaik et al. (1993), shows much promise as a tool to constrain the parameters of cosmological models (Refsdal 1964). Dominating this system is a pair of 0.″335–separation compact radio images, with image A between 2.7 to 3.9 times as strong as image B (λλ 18 to 2 cm). Observations have established the lens redshift (zl = 0.685, O'Dea et al. 1992, Browne et al. 1993), a possible source redshift (zs = 0.96, Lawrence, this conference), and a tentative value for the time–delay between the highly polarized images A and B (12 ± 3 days, Browne, this conference). Recent mas–resolution observations have made it possible to understand the imaging of A and B in sufficient detail as to provide constraints on an elliptical lens model for B0218+357; this work presents a model and provides an estimate of Hubble's Constant.