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  • ISSN: 0962-7286 (Print), 2054-1538 (Online)
  • Editors: Dr Huw Golledge Universities Federation for Animal Welfare, UK, and Dr Birte Nielsen Universities Federation for Animal Welfare, UK
  • Editorial board
Animal Welfare is an international scientific journal. It publishes the results of peer-reviewed scientific research, technical studies, surveys and reviews relating to the welfare of kept animals (e.g. on farms, in laboratories, zoos and as companions) and of those in the wild whose welfare is compromised by human activities. Papers on related ethical and legal issues are also considered for publication. The journal also includes letters to the editor, opinion papers and commentary on topical issues such as developments in legislation and codes of practice relating to animal welfare, as well as book reviews.Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW)

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Animal Welfare blog

  • Playtime is purr-fect for your cat’s welfare
  • 09 February 2023, Animal Welfare
  • Play is often considered an indicator and promotor of animal welfare. Playing with your cat may also nurture closer cat-human bonds. In a new study, scientists...


