This issue of Laser and Particle Beams contains 27
contributed articles based on presentations given at the eighth
International Workshop on the Physics of Compressible Turbulent Mixing
(IWPCTM) (see, held at the
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California from December
9 to 14, 2001, and organized jointly by the Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory (LLNL) and the California Institute of Technology. This
conference is the eighth in a biennial series of conferences on the
general subject of experimental, numerical, and theoretical studies of
compressible turbulent mixing, initiated by LLNL in the late 1980s.
Previous conferences were held in Princeton, New Jersey (1988),
Pleasanton, California (1989), Royaumont, France (1991), Cambridge,
United Kingdom (1993), Stony Brook, New York (1995), Marseille, France
(1997), and St. Petersburg, Russia (1999). The ninth IWPCTM is to be
held at the University of Cambridge in 2004.