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  • ISSN: 1474-7464 (Print), 1475-3073 (Online)
  • Editors: Dr Ruby C. M. Chau University of Nottingham, UK, and Professor Alessio D’Angelo University of Derby, UK
  • Editorial board
Social Policy and Society is an international academic journal sponsored by the UK Social Policy Association. The journal welcomes stimulating original articles that draw upon contemporary policy-related research and associated developments in the social sciences at the national, regional and international level. The journal welcomes scholarly papers - both theoretical and empirical - which analyse any aspect of social policy and its relationships with society from different angles. Contributions on teaching and learning issues within the discipline are also welcome. Each issue contains stand-alone peer reviewed articles and, uniquely, a themed section, edited by a Guest Editor(s). Every themed section includes an introductory piece, a set of peer reviewed articles, a selected review of the key literature, plus a guide to key sources in the area.

All articles need to be of a high academic quality and should also be accessible to a wide readership which includes policymakers, academic staff and students within and beyond the United Kingdom.

Social Policy and Society is part of the 'Social Policy Package' along with the Journal of Social Policy and the Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy.

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Also published by Cambridge for the Social Policy Association: