Let $p$ be a rational prime, let $F$ denote a finite, unramified extension of ${{\mathbb {Q}}}_p$, let $K$ be the maximal unramified extension of ${{\mathbb {Q}}}_p$, ${{\overline {K}}}$ some fixed algebraic closure of $K$, and ${{\mathbb {C}}}_p$ be the completion of ${{\overline {K}}}$. Let $G_F$ be the absolute Galois group of $F$. Let $A$ be an abelian variety defined over $F$, with good reduction. Classically, the Fontaine integral was seen as a Hodge–Tate comparison morphism, i.e. as a map $\varphi _{A} \otimes 1_{{{\mathbb {C}}}_p}\colon T_p(A)\otimes _{{{\mathbb {Z}}}_p}{{\mathbb {C}}}_p\to \operatorname {Lie}(A)(F)\otimes _F{{\mathbb {C}}}_p(1)$, and as such it is surjective and has a large kernel. This paper starts with the observation that if we do not tensor $T_p(A)$ with ${{\mathbb {C}}}_p$, then the Fontaine integral is often injective. In particular, it is proved that if $T_p(A)^{G_K} = 0$, then $\varphi _A$ is injective. As an application, we extend the Fontaine integral to a perfectoid like universal cover of $A$ and show that if $T_p(A)^{G_K} = 0$, then $A(\overline {K})$ has a type of $p$-adic uniformization, which resembles the classical complex uniformization.