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- Contains open access
- Ceased publication
- ISSN: 1460-4728 (Print), 1467-1123 (Online)
Cambridge University Press ceased publication of The Journal of Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging on completion of Volume 6 Issue 1 / 2006
The Journal of Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging is an international peer-reviewed journal covering all of the current modalities used in diagnostic imaging. The journal aims to publish quality research from a wide range of styles and encourage debate and the exchange of information and opinion from within the field of diagnostic medical radiography. The journal also aims to encourage clinical papers and case studies as well as equipment reviews that will be of interest to clinical radiographers and managers. The Journal of Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging aims to provide an easily available forum for the education and continuing development of radiographers by publishing regular CPD articles of a high standard, complete with self-assessments to include in personal CPD portfolios.* This journal has ceased publication. For more information on our medical titles, click here *
The Journal of Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging is an international peer-reviewed journal covering all of the current modalities used in diagnostic imaging. The journal aims to publish quality research from a wide range of styles and encourage debate and the exchange of information and opinion from within the field of diagnostic medical radiography. The journal also aims to encourage clinical papers and case studies as well as equipment reviews that will be of interest to clinical radiographers and managers. The Journal of Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging aims to provide an easily available forum for the education and continuing development of radiographers by publishing regular CPD articles of a high standard, complete with self-assessments to include in personal CPD portfolios.* This journal has ceased publication. For more information on our medical titles, click here *