The crystal structure of the low-temperature oxidized form of Sr49.5Ca16.5Bi34O151 has been determined using a combination of neutron, synchrotron, and laboratory X-ray powder diffraction data. The structure is pseudo-orthorhombic; systematic absences and successful refinement indicated the true structure to be monoclinic, with space group P2l/n. Structural refinement using only neutron powder data yielded the lattice parameters a=8.38 898(29) Å, b=5.99 334(21) Å, c=5.89 586(20) Å, β=89.997(8)°, and V=296.43(3) Å3. This compound is a distorted perovskite phase [described in the perovskite ABO3 formula as Sr(Bi0.7Ca0.3)O3] with ordering of the M-site cations, resulting in the formula A2MM′O6. In this ordered structure, the A sites are solely occupied by Sr, the M sites mainly by Bi, while on the M′ sites Bi and Ca are distributed in an approximate ratio of 2:3. The MO6 and M′O6 octahedra share corners, and are tilted with respect to the neighboring layers with an angle of ∼15° around all three axes. The tilt system symbol is a+a−a− according to Glazer notation. All Bi ions are in the 5+ oxidation state.