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- Contains open access
- ISSN: 0003-0554 (Print), 1537-5943 (Online)
- Editors: John Gerring University of Texas at Austin, USA, Monika Nalepa University of Chicago, USA, Marissa Abrajano University of California, San Diego, USA, Laia Balcells Georgetown University, USA, Pablo Beramendi Duke University, USA, Carles Boix Princeton University, USA, Scott de Marchi Duke University, USA, Alexandre Debs Yale University, USA, Andrew Eggers University of Chicago, USA, Gregory Huber Yale University, USA, Sebastian Karcher Syracuse University, USA, Isabela Mares Yale University, USA, Alison McQueen Stanford University, USA, Daniel Pemstein North Dakota State University, USA, Julie Rose Dartmouth College, USA, and Sharece Thrower Vanderbilt University, USA
- Editorial board
American Political Science Review is political science's premier scholarly research journal, providing peer-reviewed articles and review essays from subfields throughout the discipline. Areas covered include political theory, American politics, public policy, public administration, comparative politics, and international relations. APSR has published continuously since 1906.
American Political Science Review is sold ONLY as part of a joint subscription with Perspectives on Politics and PS: Political Science & Politics.
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What Makes a Good Review
- 24 March 2023,
- What makes a good review? Some advice to potential reviewers about what we hope your review will accomplish for our authors and for us.

Navigating an R&R
- 05 December 2022,
- On a first invitation to revise and resubmit, you will have at least three reviews and a letter from us that may suggest how to work with the reviews or provide...

Publishing Your Qualitative Manuscript in the APSR
- 03 March 2022,
- One of our editorial team’s most important objectives is to increase the substantive, methodological and representational diversity of the journal. When...
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Conversations with Authors: Without Roots: The Political Consequences of Collective Economic Shocks
Conversations with Authors: Geo-Political Rivalry and Anti-Immigrant Sentiment: A Conjoint Experiment in 22 Countries
Conversations with Authors: “Se Habla Español: Spanish-Language Appeals and Candidate Evaluations in the United States”