What is a Cambridge Prism?
Cambridge Prisms is a series of fully open access multidisciplinary journals that map out and build connections in cross-disciplinary subject areas to address real-world challenges. Crucially, we are launching high-quality, high impact titles in dynamic and expanding subject areas that capture the fast-paced evolution of scientific research in the 21st century.
What format do articles take?
There is clear and simple article type selection.
Research article- which captures empirical research that is hypothesis-driven and features the collaboration across disciplines to resolve the hypothesis being tested
Review article (standard review) – which captures the current state of knowledge on a particular question of interest and maps out future directions research should take.
Overview Review article – which captures the current state of knowledge on a particular field of interest with significant implications for a specific real-world challenge.
Perspective article – which feature a discussion/debate on a well-defined scientific theory, question or current state of knowledge.
Case study - which contain critical evaluation of projects, well-developed discussions that provide constructive information, and recommendations for improvement within the field
Rapid communication – are intended to swiftly disseminate significant or time-sensitive findings that could influence policy or raise awareness on pertinent topics.
In line with the series ethos of facilitating cross-disciplinary collaborative scientific discussion, the series will publish Comment articles as invite-only articles that provide researchers and practitioners the opportunity to respond scientifically to a published Cambridge Prisms article.
For each Prisms journal, a layer of authoritative commissioned review articles that clearly establishes the topic map for each journal will set the tone for the journal at launch. This will then be followed by primary research, constituting the bulk of publications by each Prisms journal. The goal of the prisms is to publish succinct but authoritative articles.
Why are they called Cambridge Prisms?
Prisms is an apt metaphor to describe the series – our aim is to explore the tension between separate strands of disciplinary scholarship and their relevance and resonance in a wider, interdisciplinary setting.
What is the scope/purpose/vision/USP?
Our vision is for Cambridge to work with individual research communities to define and establish fields that are crosscutting, to inform and drive discourse in those subjects - to accelerate discovery and progress research. We also pioneer true diversity in authorship and amplify the voices of indigenous communities that are often sites of active international research.
How many Prisms are we going to launch in the series?
An initial series of 12 titles will launch between 2023 and 2025.
Will articles in these titles be published Open Access?
The titles will be published Gold OA with a CC-BY license. Articles will be subject to open peer review, have open data mandates and follow open standard practices. At Cambridge, we see open research as a fundamental step in our mission to advance learning, research and knowledge worldwide. We are committed to supporting authors from low and middle income countries to access high-quality publishing via our open equity initiative.
Who do I contact if I have an idea for a journal for the Prisms series?
Contact prisms@cambridge.org.
How do I submit a Research Article?
Individual titles have their own submission sites. The submission system used is ScholarOne. Note that these systems will not open to unsolicited articles until the launch of the journal (authors of commissioned articles will be able to submit before this time point).
What format/structure should I use for my article?
All journals in the series follow the same article type and structure, however individual Instructions for Authors can be found under each journal’s “Preparing your materials” guide.
Can I submit an Invited Review?
Reviews are commissioned by the editorial team according to the structure of the overall topic map. However, you are free to contact the editorial office of individual titles to discuss any potential ideas with the Editorial Board. Contact details for each journal can be found on the journal’s information page.
Can I submit a Perspective?
Perspectives can be commissioned, but we also welcome unsolicited submissions.
The decision to progress to peer review lies with the Editorial Board on whether the article is suitable, adds value, and falls within the scope of the title.
How much is the APC?
Please see each journal's information page for further information.
Where can I find more information?
Each journal’s information page will provide more detailed information on about the journal, author instructions, peer review, publication process and journal policies.
I am an Early Career Researcher / non-Academic. Will I get guidance on putting my article together?
Yes. The scientific editors of the series are always on hand to give as much guidance a possible to all prospective authors. Contact specific journal email to begin a conversation
Can Cambridge Prisms help me find collaborators in other disciplines?
Yes. A key part of the Cambridge Prisms vision is to facilitate collaboration amongst researchers from multiple disciplines. See more details here.