Anne, Countess of Northumberland, to Henry Carey, Lord Hunsdon,
7 January 1570
TNA, SP 12/66/09
Body text and signature in the hand of Hunsdon's clerk using a secretary-style script. Endorsement in the hand of William Cecil, Lord ¬2 Letter bearer: unknown. Letter status: sent copy of original sent letter received by recipient.
Address leaf: [
[endorsement in the hand of Sir William Cecil, later Lord Burghley:]
The coppy of hyr anserr Hunsdons clerk
Letter text in hand of Hunsdon's clerk:]
My verie good Lordshippe I haue receued your Comyfortable lynes /. ∼ .
towchinge miself; which cumme All to gether in as evill case.
as you Judge of hit; not for the miserie of my owne Boddy
But that I can not be as I had thought neuer to haue bynne
in the persutes of my husband; which I had thought neuer to haue
bynne Seperated from till deathe / yt was not for my
Offenses that I fled; or feare of the Queen Majesties mercye
for I neuer hard nor vnderstand, But her Majesties ^mercy^ hath bynne
as great as euer was anye princes. And Suer led in my
Judgement, that is one of the spetiall causes, that vpholdes
all estates. for your frendshippe, and good will towardes me /.
I shall earnestlye praye your Lordshippe of your Continuannce therin
And if I leve it shall not be forgotten, And if I dye ∼
I trust god will reward you; praing your Lordshippe earnestlye ∼
once Agayne, that the pittie and faveor that you shewe vnto
me, that you wilbestowe hit vpponn my poore childerne /. And
servanntes to be A meanes to the Queen Majestie for them, if hit maye
please you without offence to geue me leave you shall
heere from me within vi or vii daies, And so I bid
your Lordshippe hartelye farewell from hewme Castell the
viith of January 1569
[signature in the hand of Hunsdon's clerk:]
Your Lordshippes poore Freinnd / A. northumberland /