James Woodward of Barton, maltman made 30 November 1497
The National Archives, PROB2/128
The document is discoloured, especially the top half where there are also four large holes. Some text is missing.
A true […] all the good & Catalles of Jacob Woodward maltman late of Barton in the […] of Bedford praised by William Swayn, William Child, Thomas Jeffrey & Richard […] Barton aforeseid by the oversight of [illeg.] [?]Harmer the last day of November […] lord MlCCCClxxxxvij and the xiij [yere of the] Reigne of king Hen[ry] […]
Robert Cowper of Harrowden, Cardington, husbandmn made 23 September 1552
Lincolnshire Archives, MISC WILLS L/29
The document is faded and damaged down the right side.
Thys Inventory followyng of all suche goodes as weere of latet [sic] Robart Cowpers of Hrowden In the parrysche of Cardyngton husbandman nowe dyssessyd vewyd & praysyd the xxiij daye of September Anno 1552 by the vew & price [?]feat
Elizabeth Bacon of Goldington, widow made 27 September 1552
Lincolnshire Archives, MISC WILLS L/32
Thys Inventary takyn of the goodes of Elsabeth Bacon wyddoo late deseysyd In the paryche of Goldyngtone and presentytt by Master Jonson, Wyllyam Berde, Jorge Monyngham, Wyllyam Gale, Thomas Kyng, Thomas Fyscher the xxvij day of Septembr Anno domini 1552
Thomas Browne of Leighton Buzzard, shoemaker made 4 October 1552
Lincolnshire Archives, MISC WILLS L/31
Damage at the foot of the document. Some words or values are missing.
The Inventorie of the goodes of Thomas Browne of Leighton Bossard in the Cowntie of Bedford shomaker made the fourth daye of Octobre in the yere of our lorde god MCCCCCLij & in the syxte yere of the Reinge of oure soveraynge lorde kyng Edwarde the vjth praysed by Nycholas Wryght, Robart Scrogges, John Parson & Thomas Sanders
William Ireland of Milton Ernest, miller made 5 April 1555
Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies, A25/183
This is a beautifully written, fair copy on parchment. There is slight damage and loss of a few letters on the right side.