From the late eighteenth century until the present, suicide has become a fundamental issue for professional Europeans' understanding of themselves and especially of the supposed health of their societies. From the second half of the eighteenth century onward, medical doctors, moral statisticians, sociologists, psychologists, and other professionally trained and university-educated experts produced increasing numbers of studies on suicide. Prior to 1750, suicide had been a popular theme for commentary from moralists, philosophers, and, above all, theologians and clerics. Of course, these groups of commentators have continued to write on the topic through the modern period, but the emergence of doctors, sociologists, and psychologists, among others, in the debates surrounding suicide has been a hallmark of the modern era. Claiming to offer complete or partial answers to the issue and causes of suicide, these professional groups increasingly asserted their own pivotal roles in analyzing the problems of European societies. Suicide was supposedly a modern problem that required expert commentary and intervention.