In Khotanese Jataka-stava, of which a facsimile has now been published in Monumenta Linguarum Asiae Maioris, vol. ii, Codices Khotanenses (Levin and Munksgaard, Copenhagen, 1938), I noted a text of similar title in the Tōhoku Catalogue of the Sde-dge (Derge) Bstan-ḥgyur under number 1178. After some delay through the kindness of Professor Doi I received from the Library of the Tohoku Imperial University, Sendai, five photographs, somewhat small, but for the most part clear, of this Jātaka-stava. It comprised 14 lines of printed text in Tibetan script. On examination the photographs proved to contain a Sanskrit text, with interlinear partial Tibetan gloss in smaller print, of a Jataka-stava attributed to Jnanayasas. Since I have twice already alluded to this text, in BSOS., VIII, 936, and Codices Khotanensis, xii, at a time when I had not yet seen it, it seems desirable to publish it now.