Editorial Policies
Cardiology in the Young is devoted to cardiovascular issues affecting the young and the older patient with the sequels of cardiac disease acquired in childhood. Submission of both basic research and clinical papers is encouraged. Articles on fundamental principles will also be considered for publication. Reviews on recent developments are welcome. The Journal serves the interest of all professionals concerned with these topics. By design, the Journal is international and multidisciplinary in its approach, and the members of the Editorial Board take an active role in the Journal's mission. Prospective authors are encouraged to consult with the editors and members of the Editorial Board with any enquiries. The editors encourage the submission of articles from developing countries.
Articles should be concerned with original research not published previously and not being considered for publication elsewhere. Submission of a manuscript to the Journal gives the publisher the right to publish that paper if it is accepted. Authors sign a license to publish with the journal and retain copyright of their manuscript. Manuscripts may be edited to improve clarity and expression.
Authors must ensure that their studies comply with appropriate institutional and national guidelines for ethical matters. Specifically, by submission of a manuscript, the authors are responsible for compliance with guidelines and regulations of the authors' institution and all appropriate governmental agencies.
Articles including human subjects must include a statement that informed consent was obtained and that the study was reviewed and approved by the institution's committee on human experimentation. Articles including animal experimentation must conform to the principles of the American Physiological Society, and a statement acknowledging conformation to these standards must be included in the Materials and methods section of the manuscript. Authors are also requested to identify possible conflicts of interest, especially if they relate to commercial sponsorship or equity holdings.
Social Media
Social Media Synopsis: Each author preparing a manuscript for submission should include a suggested tweet, which will be used for dissemination and promotion on social media if the manuscript is accepted. Please limit the suggested tweet to 160 characters including spaces, which summarizes the main findings or overall take-home from the manuscript. When appropriate, please also include relevant author Twitter handles (ex. @CardiologyYoung) or relevant topical hashtags (ex. #PedsCards) - the author handles and hashtags do not count towards the 160 character limit. Relevant media, such as an image of the first or senior authors or a graphical representation of the data should be submitted as a .jpeg file under the Social Media section of the submission process.
Clinical Trials
As a condition of consideration for publication, registration of clinical trials in a public trials registry is required. A clinical trial is defined by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (in accordance with the definition of the World Health Organisation) as any research project that prospectively assigns human participants or groups of humans to one or more health- related interventions to evaluate the effects on health outcomes. Trials must be registered before the start of patient enrolment. The registry must be accessible to the public at no charge. It must be open to all prospective registrants and managed by a not-for-profit organization. There must be a mechanism to ensure the validity of the registration data, and the registry should be electronically searchable. An acceptable registry must include at minimum a unique trial number, trial registration date, secondary identification information if assigned by sponsors or others, funding source(s), primary and secondary sponsor(s), responsible contact person, research contact person, official scientific title of the study, research ethics review, the medical condition being studied, intervention(s), key inclusion and exclusion criteria, study type, anticipated trial start date, target sample size, recruitment status, primary outcome, and key secondary outcomes. Registration information must be provided at the time of submission. Trial registry name, registration identification number, and the URL for the registry should be included at the end of the abstract.
Manuscripts reporting the results of randomized controlled trials should include a "CONSORT" flow diagram to illustrate the progress of all patients in the study (See: Schulz KF, Altman D, for the CONSORT Group. The CONSORT statement: revised recommendations for improving the quality of reports of parallel-group randomized trials. JAMA. 2001;285(15):1987–1991.) The flow diagram should be uploaded as a separate file to the manuscript.
We accept the following types of articles:
- Original Article*
- Review*
- Article Commentary
- Case Report and Brief Report*
- Guidelines*
- Images in Congenital Cardiac Disease*
- Editorial and Letter to the Editor
* For the purposes of Gold Open Access funding, this journal considers these article types to be research articles. If publishing Gold OA, all or part of the publication costs for these article types may be covered by one of the agreements Cambridge University Press has made to support open access.