More information about preparing your materials for submission, submitting your materials and the publication process itself can be found in the relevant tabs under 'Author Instructions' (in the navigation panel on the left-hand side of this page).
Article Types Accepted
- Book Review
- Research Article*
- Research Report*
- State of the Field*
* For the purposes of Gold Open Access funding, this journal considers these article types to be research articles. If publishing Gold OA, all or part of the publication costs for these article types may be covered by one of the agreements Cambridge University Press has made to support open access.
Guidelines for special section proposals
Interested scholars may submit a special section proposal to the journal by 1st June every year.
All proposals should include:
- a working title;
- names, affiliations and short biographies of guest editors (100 words each);
- a 1000-word synopsis outlining the proposed special section theme and its significance to the field of China studies;
- between five and seven 200-word abstracts for proposed articles on that theme, with the relevant authors names and affiliations.
Special sections proposals will be selected on the basis of meeting some but not necessarily all of the following criteria:
- the extent to which they represent an innovative and/or important intervention in China studies;
- inclusion of scholars at various stages of their careers and working in a variety of disciplines;
- the use of a diverse range of methods.
Before 1st July, the Executive Committee will choose special section proposals to proceed to the next stage, possibly requesting refinement or suggesting the inclusion of other papers. The guest-editors of the selected special section proposal(s) will submit the full section for peer review no later than 1st February of the following year.
Individual manuscripts should be no more than 9,000 words, including footnotes and references.
In accordance with our triple-anonymous review policy, all author identities will be redacted before consideration by the editors. Any correspondence or enquiries must be addressed to the China Quarterly office (
Articles that are accepted through peer review will subsequently appear on FirstView when ready, before the publication of the special section in full and in print.