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- 16 February 2009, pp. 99-101
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Greek and Russian Aspect - Charles Mouton: Aspects grecs - aspects russes à la lumière des traductions modemes de textes anciens. (Bibliothèque de la Faculté de Philosophic et Lettres de l'Université de Liège, Fasc. 244.) Pp. 193+10 + 4; tables and index. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1986. Paper.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 299-300
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Rome and the Near East - Steven E. Sidebotham: Roman Economic Policy in the Erythra Thalassa 30 B.C.– A.D. 217. (Mnemosyne Suppl., 91.) Pp. xi + 226; 20 plates, 3 maps. Leiden: Brill, 1986. Paper, fl. 85. - Henry Innes MacAdam: Studies in the History of the Roman Province of Arabia: the Northern Sector. (BAR International Series, 295.) Pp. xv + 420; 11 figures, 15 plates, 1 map. Oxford: BAR, 1986. Paper, £25.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 101-104
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The Accusative Absolute - Anne Helttula: Studies on the Latin Accusative Absolute. (Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum, 81.) Pp. 137. Helsinki: Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters (Soc. Scient. Fenn.), 1987. Paper.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 300-303
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Mycenaeans and Hittites - Fritz Schachermeyr: Mykene und das Hethiterreich. (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte, 472 Band; Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Mykenische Forschung, Band 11.) Pp. 368; 36 b/w figs; 5 plans. Vienna: Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1986. öS. 490; DM 70.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 303-305
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A Sourcebook on Roman Britain - S. Ireland: Roman Britain. A Sourcebook. Pp. xi + 266; 3 maps. Beckenham: Croom Helm, 1986. £18.95 (paper, £9.95).
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 104-107
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Chios - John Boardman, C. E. Vaphopoulou-Richardson (edd.): Chios. A Conference at the Homereion in Chios 1984. Pp. xv + 361; 7 maps, 12 colour plates, 184 photographs and illustrations. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986. £40.00.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 305-306
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Ancient Palaces - E. Lévy (ed.): Le Système palatial en Orient, en Grèce et à Rome. Actes du colloque de Strasbourg, 19–22 juin 1985. (Université des Sciences Humaines de Strasbourg, Travaux du Centre de Recherche sur le Proche-Orient et la Grèce Antiques, 9.) Pp. 502; 72 figures. Strasbourg: Brill, 1987. Paper.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 108-109
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Minoan Pottery - Philip P. Betancourt: The History of Minoan Pottery. Pp. xxiv + 226; 134 text-figures with numerous drawings, 32 plates of photographs, 4 maps, 6 tables. Princeton University Press, 1985. £40.90 (paper, £11.60).
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 110-111
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Athenian Machthabenwolle - Antonios Rengakos: Form und Wandel des Machtdenkens der Athener bei Thukydides. (Hermes Einzelschrift 48.) Pp. 149. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 1984. Paper, DM 48.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 307-308
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The Oresteia in Art and Literature - A. J. N. W. Prag: The Oresteia. Iconographic and Narrative Tradition. Pp xi + 213; 46 plates. Warminster: Aris & Phillips, 1985.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 111-113
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Post-War Athens - Barry S. Strauss: Athens after the Peloponnesian War. Class, Faction and Policy, 403–386 B.C. Pp. xv+191; 1 map. London and Sydney: Croom Helm, 1986. £19.95.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 308-310
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Tyrrhenian Traffic - Michel Gras: Trafics tyrrhéniens archaïques. (Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 258.) Pp. xiv + 773; 94 text-figures, 8 plates. Rome: Ècole française de Rome, 1985.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 113-114
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The Athenian Assembly - Mogens Herman Hansen: The Athenian Assembly in the Age of Demosthenes. (Blackwell's Classical Studies.) Pp. viii + 249; 5 diagrams. Oxford: Blackwell, 1987. £25.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 310-311
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A Handbook of Etruscan Studies - Larissa Bonfante (ed.): Etruscan Life and Afterlife. A Handbook of Etruscan Studies. Pp. xxviii + 289; 294 black and white illustrations, 9 maps. Warminster: Aris & Phillips, 1986. £28.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 115-116
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Classical Landscape with Figures - Robin Osborne: Classical Landscape with Figures. The Ancient Greek City and its Countryside. Pp. 216; 66 illustrations. London: George Philip, 1987. £19.50.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 312-314
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Etruscan Tomb-Groups - Richard Daniel De Puma: Etruscan Tomb-Groups. Ancient Pottery and Bronzes in Chicago's Field Museum of Natural History. Pp. xiv + 129; 48 plates + frontispiece, 37 figures (including maps). Mainz: von Zabern, 1986. DM 88.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 116-117
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 314-315
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Lavinium and Rome - M. Torelli: Lavinio e Roma. Riti iniziatici e matrimonio tra archeologia e storia. (Lectiones Planetariae.) Pp. 264; 45 figures. Rome: Edizioni Quasar, 1984. L. 35,000.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 117-120
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Senate, Generals and Roman Foreign Relations - Arthur M. Eckstein: Senate and General. Individual Decision Making and Roman Foreign Relations, 264–194 B.C. Pp. xxii + 381; 5 maps. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press, 1987. $39.95.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 315-317
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