Alfoldy's Papers - Géza Alföldy: Die römische Gesellschaft: Ausgewählte Beiträge. (Heidelberger althistorische Beiträge und epigraphische Studien, 1.) Pp. 516. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 1986. Paper, DM 98. - Géza Alföldy: Römische Heeresgeschichte: Beiträge 1962–1985. (Mavors: Roman Army Researches, 3.) Pp. xii + 575; several illustrations. Amsterdam: J. C. Gieben, 1987. fl./DM 150.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 335-337
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Cynthia P. Gardiner: The Sophoclean Chorus. A Study of Character and Function. Pp. x + 205. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1987. $22.50.
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- 16 February 2009, p. 140
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Raymond K. Fisher: Aristophanes Clouds: Purpose and Technique. Pp. xii + 263. Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1984. Sw. fr. 56.
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- 16 February 2009, p. 141
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Women in Antiquity - Marilyn Skinner (ed.): Rescuing Creusa. New Methodological Approaches to Women in Antiquity. (A special issue of Helios, New Series, 13(2).) Pp. iv+175. Lubbock, Texas: Texas Tech University Press, 1987. $21.00 (paper, $9.00).
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 337-339
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Angela Ropero Gutierrez: Estratis, Fragmentos. El legado de los griegos. Pp. 139. Madrid: Editorial Coloquio, [nd, ?1986]. Paper.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 141-142
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Private Life - Paul Veyne (ed.): A History of Private Life, Vol. 1: From Pagan Rome to Byzantium (Translated by A. Goldhammer. Originally published in French, 1985). Pp. xi + 670; numerous illustrations. Cambridge, MA and London: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1987. £24.95.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 339-340
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Pascale Derron: Pseudo-Phocylide: Sentences. (Collection des Universités de France (Budé).) Pp. cxvi + 55 (text double). Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1986. Frs. 150.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 142-143
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Minoan Sacrifice - Nanno Marinatos: Minoan Sacrificial Ritual. Cult Practice and Symbolism. (Acta Instituti Atheniensis Regni Sueciae, 8°, 9.) Pp. 78; 78 illustrations. Göteborg: P. Åström, 1986. Paper, 110.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 340-342
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Lakonian Art - Maria Pipili: Laconian Iconography of the Sixth Century B.C. (Oxford University Committee for Archaeology, Monograph No. 12.) Pp. v+127; 96 b/w illustrations, 23 line drawings. Oxford: O.U. Committee for Archaeology (distributed by Oxbow Books), 1987. Paper, £22.00. - Marlene Herfort-Koch: Archaische Bronzeplastik Lakoniens. (Münstersche Beiträge zur Archäologie Boreas, 4.) Pp. 150; 22 pages of b/w plates, 6 figs in text. Münster: Archäologisches Seminar der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universitat Munster, 1986. Paper.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 342-345
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J.-H. Kuhn, U. Fleischer (edd.): Index Hippocraticus. Fasc. I: A-Δ. Pp. xxxiv + 200. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1986. Paper, DM 144.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 143-144
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Steven W. Hirsch: The Friendship of the Barbarians. Xenophon and the Persian Empire. Pp. xiv + 216; 2 maps. Hanover and London: University Press of New England (for Tufts University), 1985. £25.
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- 16 February 2009, p. 144
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Newly Discovered Greek Sculpture - H. Kyrieleis (ed.): Archaische und klassische griechische Plastik, Band 1 and 2 (Akten des internationalen Kolloquiums vom 22–25 April, 1985 in Athen). (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Athen.) Pp. xii + 228, 81 plates (Vol. 1); 254, 82–156 plates (Vol. 2). Mainz: von Zabern, 1986. DM 240.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 345-347
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Sculptures from the Temple of Athena Polias at Priene - Joseph Coleman Carter: The Sculpture of the Sanctuary of Polias at Priene. Pp. xxiv + 367; 47 plates, 31 plans and figs. London: Thames & Hudson, 1984. £48.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 347-349
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Paul Pédech: Historiens, Compagnons d'Alexandre. Callisthène–Onésicrite–Néarque–Ptolémée–Aristobule. Pp. 416. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1984. Paper.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 144-145
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Phrygian Doorstones - Marc Waelkens: Die kleinasiatischen Türsteine. Typologische und epigraphische Untersuchungen der kleinasiatischen Grabreliefs mil Scheintür. Pp. xxiii + 334; 90 text figs, 108 plates, 1 map. Mainz: von Zabern, 1986. DM 198.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 349-350
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Annemarie Jeanette Neubecker: Philodemus, Über die Musik, IV. Buch: Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar. Pp. 234. Naples: Bibliopolis, 1986.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 145-146
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Jacobus van Wyk Cronjé: Dionysius of Halicarnassus, De Demosthene. A Critical Appraisal of the Status Quaestionis. (Spudasmata, 39.) Pp. 295. Hildesheim, Zürich and New York: Olms, 1986. Paper, DM 58.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 146-147
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Tholoi - Florian Seiler: Die griechische Tholos: Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung, Typologie und Funktion kunstmässiger Rundbauten. Pp. vi + 168; 80 figures; 2 tables. Mainz: von Zabern, 1986. DM 98.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 350-352
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Italian Archaeology – A New Series of Studies - Maria Teresa Falconi Amorelli: Vulci. Scavi Bendinelli (1919–1923). (Collana di studi sull'Italia antica, 1.) Pp. 229; 88 figures; 2 maps (1 foldout); 1 foldout plan. Rome/Cagli: Paleani Editrice, 1983. - Pino Chiarucci: Lanuvium. (Collana di studi sull'Italia antica, 2.) Pp. 265; 41 plates; 121 figures; 2 loose folded maps, with overlays. Rome/Cagli: Paleani Editrice, 1983. - Pino Chiarucci (ed.): Il Lazio antico dalla protostoria all'etá medio-repubblicana. (Collana di studi sull'Italia antica, 3.) Pp. 135; numerous illustrations. Rome/Cagli: Paleani Editrice, 1986.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 352-354
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Aldo Brancacci: Rhetorike Philosophousa. Dione Crisostomo nella cultura antica e bizantina. (Elenchos, 11.) Pp. 347. Naples: Bibliopolis, 1985. Paper, L. 35,000.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 147-148
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