In the decade since the first observationally based empirical studies
of coparenting process in nuclear families made their mark, most
investigations of early coparenting dynamics have examined whether and
how such dynamics drive child development trajectories, rather than
identifying factors that may contribute to the differential development
of such dynamics in the first place. In this prospective study, we
examined both individual-representational and dyadic-interpersonal
predictors of early coparental process. Fifty married couples expecting
their first child portrayed their expectations and concerns about
family life after the baby's arrival, and took part in a set of
problem-solving tasks used to help evaluate marital quality. Both
mothers' and fathers' prebaby expectations about the future
family, and prenatal marital quality, predicted observed coparenting
cohesion at 3 months postpartum. Maternal– and
marriage–coparenting trajectories differed as a function of
infant characteristics, with pathways most pronounced when infants were
rated high in negative reactivity. Results reveal how the prenatal
environment can come to shape early coparenting process, and indicate
that family models must take into account the role that child
characteristics can play in altering prebirth–postpartum
pathways.This study was supported by
National Institute of Child Health and Development Grant RO1 HD42179.
We thank the families who contributed their time and effort to the
investigation and our colleagues Regina Kuersten–Hogan, Wendy
DeCourcey, Julia Berkman, Valerie Haskell, Meaghan DiLallo, Nina Olsen,
Amy Alberts, Oliver Hartman, Stefanie Giampa, Eleanor Chaffe, and Kate
Fish for their assistance with various aspects of this