In [13], Poincaré asked the following question: Which abstract groups can appear as monodromy groups [14] of second order, linear, homogeneous differential equations with meromorphic coefficients (which might depend on one or more parameters) on ℂ? In the present paper, we initiate a classification of monodromy groups of differential equations on compact Riemann surfaces of genus 1. We proceed as follows: Let
be the general Euler equation [1] which has two regular singular points at 0 and λ in the extended complex plane C. Further, let yu(z)(v – 1,2) be an arbitrary but fixed pair of linearly independent solutions to (1) valid in a neighborhood of some ordinary point. Analytic continuation of each solution along a closed loop A in C–{0, λ}, starting and ending at some fixed base point, produces a new solution yv,A (v = 1, 2) which can be expressed as
where the constants avlx (v1 ν = l,2) in C depend on the homotopy class [A] of A. Clearly, y1,A(z)/y2,A(z) = To(y1(z)/y2(z)) where the Möbius transformation T:w→ (a11W + a12)/(a21W + a22) depends on [A]. The set of all Mobius transformations T belonging to every possible closed loop A in C–{0,λ} forms a group G, called the monodromy group of the Euler equation (1). G is generated by the Mobius transformation belonging to a simple, closed loop Ao encircling 0. Hence, G is cyclic.