The kingdom of Kush (Meroe) represents one of a series of early
located within the Middle Nile. At its greatest extent controlling more
1,000 km. of the Nile valley from northern Lower Nubia to Sennar on the
Blue Nile, its scale, longevity and cultural achievements are remarkable
1). While its origins in the early millennium b.c. and its demise
around the
fourth century a.d. still remain obscure, it is one of the earliest
and most
impressive states yet found south of the Sahara. This notwithstanding,
place of the Kushite state and its civilization within the history of
sub-Saharan Africa remains far from clear.
The early development of complex societies in the Middle Nile within
frontiers of the modern republic of Sudan raises many questions concerning
the role of external influences and cultural contacts on the region. The
present shadow of Pharaonic Egypt looms large in most studies, and very
close links are still maintained between Meroitic (and Nubian) studies
Egyptology. One result of the undoubted Egyptocentrism which has for so
long dominated research in the region has been the neglect of many research
areas likely to be of interest to archaeologists and historians working
elsewhere in Africa. The political structuring and organisation of power
within the Kushite state still remain little studied, while little interest
been shown in trying to contextualize it, either in relation to later kingdoms
of the Middle Nile or indeed in the history of state development in Sudanic
Africa as a whole. All too often it seems still implied, if not explicitly
that the early development of social/political complexity in the region,
the rise of Kerma, Napata and Meroe and their attendant cultural achievements,
may be largely explained by, and understood in terms of, Egyptian
models: ‘secondary states’ on the margins of a great civilization,
within, and effectively unconnected with, other regions of sub-Saharan
The concern of this paper is briefly to reassess a number of questions
concerning our perceptions of the Kushite state, which also have implications
for our understanding of the long-term history of early states within the
Middle Nile and their relation to other parts of Sudanic Africa.