Aims & Scope
The Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society is the official journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, an organization of over 4,500 international members from a variety of disciplines. The Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society welcomes original, creative, high quality research papers covering all areas of neuropsychology. The focus of articles may be primarily experimental, applied, or clinical. Contributions will broadly reflect the interest of all areas of neuropsychology, including but not limited to: development of cognitive processes, brain-behavior relationships, adult and pediatric neuropsychology, neurobehavioral syndromes (such as aphasia or apraxia), and the interfaces of neuropsychology with related areas such as behavioral neurology, neuropsychiatry, genetics, and cognitive neuroscience. Papers that utilize behavioral, neuroimaging, and electrophysiological measures are appropriate.
To assure maximum flexibility and to promote diverse mechanisms of scholarly communication, the following formats are available in addition to a Regular Research Article: Brief Communication is a shorter research article; Rapid Communication is intended for "fast breaking" new work that does not yet justify a full length article and is placed on a fast review track; Case Report is a theoretically important and unique case study; Critical Review and Short Review are thoughtful considerations of topics of importance to neuropsychology and often include meta-analyses; Dialogue provides a forum for publishing two distinct positions on controversial issues in a point-counterpoint format; Commentary is a relatively brief article addressing a current topic, issue, or recently published article relevant to the scope of the journal and based on the extant literature; Special Issue and Special Section consist of several articles linked thematically; Letter to the Editor responds to recent articles published in the Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society; and Book Review, which is considered but is no longer solicited.
Article Types Accepted
Regular Research Article*
Brief Communication/Rapid Communication*
Case Report*
Critical Review*
Short Review*
Special Issue/Special Section
Letter to the Editor
INS Award Paper
Perspective Paper
* For the purposes of Gold Open Access funding, this journal considers these article types to be research articles. If publishing Gold OA, all or part of the publication costs for these article types may be covered by one of the agreements Cambridge University Press has made to support open access.
Paper Formatting Requirements
- All manuscripts must include continuous line numbering.
- All manuscripts must be submitted in Times New Roman font, 12 point, double-spaced.
- Author affiliations on the title page must include each author’s country and, where applicable, US States and Canadian Provinces must be indicated with two-letter postal codes (not spelled out)
- The Statement of Research Significance on p. 3 of the manuscript (see below for more information) must include the following headings, written exactly as presented below:
- Research Question(s) or Topic(s):
- Main Findings:
- Study Contributions:
- All manuscripts must include an ethics approval statement in the methods to include a statement that the research was completed in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration and include the name(s) of the IRB(s) or ethics committee(s) that approved your study.
- All manuscripts must indicate in the body of the manuscript the location where Tables and Figures should appear. For example place an [Insert Table 1 Here] in the page and line of the manuscript to where each table should be placed.
- For all sources with three to twenty authors, you must write out all of the authors on the References page. For in-text citations, sources with three or more authors can be abbreviated to (Author, et al., year) from the first use.