The study of reductive group actions on a normal surface singularity X is
facilitated by the fact that the group Aut X of automorphisms of X has a maximal
reductive algebraic subgroup G which contains every reductive algebraic subgroup of
Aut X up to conjugation. If X is not weighted homogeneous then this maximal group
G is finite (Scheja, Wiebe). It has been determined for cusp singularities by Wall. On
the other hand, if X is weighted homogeneous but not a cyclic quotient singularity
then the connected component G1 of the unit coincides with
the [Copf ]* defining the
weighted homogeneous structure (Scheja, Wiebe, Wahl). Thus the main interest lies
in the finite group G/G1. Not much is known
about G/G1.
Ganter has given a bound on its order valid for Gorenstein singularities which are
not log-canonical. Aumann-Körber has determined G/G1
for all quotient singularities.
We propose to study G/G1 through the
action of G on the minimal good
resolution X˜ of X. If X is weighted
homogeneous but not a cyclic quotient
singularity, let E0 be the central curve of the
exceptional divisor of X˜. We show that
the natural homomorphism G→Aut E0 has
kernel [Copf ]* and finite image. In
particular, this re-proves the rest of Scheja, Wiebe and Wahl mentioned above.
Moreover, it allows us to view G/G1
as a subgroup of Aut E0. For simple elliptic singularities it equals
(ℤb×ℤb)[rtimes ]Aut0E0
where −b is the self-intersection number of
E0, ℤb×ℤb
is the group of b-torsion points of the elliptic curve E0 acting by
translations, and Aut0E0 is the group of automorphisms
fixing the zero element of E0.
If E0 is rational then G/G1 is
the group of automorphisms of E0 which permute the
intersection points with the branches of the exceptional divisor while preserving the
Seifert invariants of these branches. When there are exactly three branches we
conclude that G/G1 is isomorphic to the group of
automorphisms of the weighted resolution graph. This applies to all non-cyclic
quotient singularities as well as to triangle singularities. We also investigate whether
the maximal reductive automorphism group is a direct product
This is the case, for instance, if the central curve E0 is rational of
even self-intersection number or if X is Gorenstein
such that its nowhere-zero 2-form ω has degree ±1. In the latter case there is a
‘natural’ section G/G1[rarrhk ]G
of G[rarrhk ]G/G1 given by the group of automorphisms
in G which fix ω. For a simple elliptic singularity one has
G≃G1×G/G1 if and only
if −E0 · E0 = 1.