Wire array z pinches on the Z accelerator provide
the most intense laboratory source of soft X rays in the world.
The unique combination of a near-Planckian radiation source
with high X-ray production efficiency (10 to 15% wall plug),
large X-ray powers and energies (>100 TW, ≥0.8 MJ in 6
ns to 7 ns), large characteristic hohlraum volumes (0.5 to >10
cm3), long pulse lengths (5 to 20 ns), and low capital
cost (<$50–$100/radiated Joule) may make z
pinches a good match to the requirements for driving high-yield
scale (>200 MJ yield) ICF capsules with adequate radiation
symmetry and margin. The z-pinch-driven hohlraum approach
of Hammer et al. (1999) may provide a conservative and
robust solution to the requirements for high yield, and is currently
being studied on the Z accelerator. This paper describes a multiple-region,
0-D hohlraum energetics model for z-pinch-driven hohlraums
in four configurations. We observe consistency between the model
and the measured X-ray powers and hohlraum wall temperatures
to within ±20% in X-ray flux, for the four configurations.
The scaling of pinch energy and radiation-driven anode-cathode
gap closure with drive current are also examined.