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Editorial board


Jonathan Fraser (Fractal Geometry), University of St Andrews, UK


Alex Bartel (Number theory, arithmetic geometry, representation theory of finite groups), University of Glasgow, UK

Tara Brendle (Geometric and combinatorial group theory; low dimensional topology), University of Glasgow, UK

Michele Coti Zelati (Analysis of PDEs, fluid dynamics, mixing), Imperial College London, UK.

Fordyce A. Davidson (Applications and analysis of differential equations, reaction-diffusion, mathematical modelling), University of Dundee, UK

Lorenzo Foscolo (Differential geometry, geometric analysis), Universita' La Sapienza, Rome, Italy

Mark Grant (Algebraic and differential topology and their applications), University of Aberdeen, UK

Susana Gutierrez (Harmonic analysis with applications to PDEs), University of Birmingham, UK

Jonathan Hickman (Harmonic analysis), University of Edinburgh, UK

Sophie Huczynska (Combinatorics, graph theory, mathematical aspects of cryptography), University of St Andrews, UK

Natalia Jurga (Dynamical systems and ergodic theory), University of St Andrews, UK

Yoav Len (Algebraic and tropical geometry), University of St Andrews, UK

Xin Li (Operator algebras, functional analysis and related topics), University of Glasgow, UK

Andrea Mondino (Geometric analysis, optimal transport, analysis and geometry of metric (measure) spaces), University of Oxford, UK

Vitaly Moroz (Nonlinear elliptic PDEs), University of Swansea, UK

Sean Prendiville (Analytic number theory, combinatorics (additive, extremal and probabilistic), discrete analysis, interactions of these area with harmonic analysis and ergodic theory), Lancaster University, UK

Filip Rindler (Geometric measure theory, PDEs, calculus of variations), University of Warwick, UK

Lucia Scardia (Calculus of variations and PDEs), Heriot-Watt University, UK

Marcus Tindall (Mathematical biology, pharmacology and medicine), University of Reading, UK

Zoe Wyatt (Nonlinear evolutionary PDE, mathematical relativity), University of Cambridge, UK

Editorial Management

Editorial Management, International Centre for the Mathematical Sciences (ICMS), UK