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  • ISSN: 1742-1705 (Print), 1742-1713 (Online)
  • Editor: Katherine Dentzman Iowa State University, USA
  • Editorial board
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems(formerly American Journal of Alternative Agriculture) is a multi-disciplinary open-access journal which focuses on the science that underpins economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable approaches to agriculture and food production. The journal publishes original research and review articles on the economic, ecological, and environmental impacts of agriculture; the effective use of renewable resources and biodiversity in agro-ecosystems; and the technological and sociological implications of sustainable food systems. It also contains a discussion forum, which presents lively discussions on new and provocative topics.

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Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems Blog

  • World Bee Day
  • 20 May 2024, Katherine Dentzman
  • Monday, May 20th is World Bee Day.  Designated by the United Nations in 2017, World Bee Day recognizes the urgent need to protect bees and other pollinators...
