It is well-known that in EDXRF, using high-resolution semiconductor detectors, evaluation of x-ray fluorescence radiation line intensities from multiplex spectrometric information represents definite difficulties, especially in automation of measurement-calculation procedures.
A common spectrum decomposition problem is to get the following parameters: a number of spectral lines and their centroids, intensities from measured experimental data and their errors.
We have developed special software for solving this problem using personal computers and high-level programming language C. It uses profiles of real-form lines of pure chemical elements produced by semiconductor detector spectrometers and these techniques: digital filters with parameters for suppression of background, multiplex structure analysis, and stable linear least-squares fit to get peak intensities. Also it established special criteria for reliability of the results.
We compared our investigation with software “EDXRF” (ver.1.32) arid spectrum decomposition with Gaussian peaks.