Antichthon | Manuscript Preparation | Copyright | Seeking Permissions for Copyrighted Material | Publication Ethics | Supplementary materials | Policy on prior publication | Competing interests | Author affiliations | Authorship and Contributorship | ORCID | Author Hub | English language editing services
Antichthon is open to contributions from any country, and will publish research articles on topics relating to the languages, literature, thought, history, archaeology and reception of the ancient world.
Normally contributions should be between 5,000 and 10,000 words in length (inclusive of footnotes and bibliography), though shorter articles will be considered. Please include a word count with your initial submission.
Articles should be accompanied by an abstract of between 150 and 200 words. It is placed at the beginning of the published article. It is also useful for indicating the content of an article to potential referees.
Articles need not follow Antichthon’s style guide closely at the time of initial submission but we would request that a bibliography and author-date system of referencing be used.
Articles are routinely sent to two or more referees for anonymous peer review.
To ensure the integrity of the double-anonymised peer review process, articles should not include the author’s name or any indication of or clue to their identity. References to the author’s own work should be made as if to that of a third party. General acknowledgments should not be included at the point of initial submission and any incidental acknowledgments of help or suggestions per litt. or pers. comm. in footnotes should be anonymized: e.g. I am grateful to XXXX for this reference. It is helpful if the identity of the author can also be removed from the metadata of any Word, pdf, or other file, but the editors will double-check this.
Manuscript Preparation
As noted under initial submission, the article should be accompanied by an abstract of between 150 and 200 words.
The article should also be accompanied by between five and seven keywords, which will be used for indexing and enabling readers to find your article.
These should be placed, not in a footnote of any kind in any place, but on the manuscript cover sheet headed ‘Acknowledgments’.
Preparation of copy:
The body of the article should be typed in double spacing in 12-point Times New Roman font. Greek quotations should be in a Unicode Greek script and not transliterated. A translation of longer passages of Greek and Latin should normally be included in the text (or in the footnotes, if appropriate). Please use Australian/New Zealand/UK spelling throughout.
Footnotes should be numbered consecutively and typed, also in 12-point Times New Roman font, in double spacing. They should be included in the typescript as footnotes, preferably using the footnote system incorporated in Microsoft Word.
Quotations in Latin should be italicised, except for long indented passages; quotations in English, French, German, etc. (including the Latin of modern scholarship) should be put in single inverted commas. A quotation within a quoted passage has double inverted commas. Single words or self-contained phrases (such as faute de mieux) may be italicised. The following should not be italicised: ad loc., ap., c., cf., e.g., ibid., i.e., s.v., viz.
Modern scholarship
Please provide a bibliography at the end of the article in the following style:
Books, including editions and edited volumes:
Newman, J. K. (1990), Roman Catullus and the Modification of the Alexandrian Sensibility . Hildesheim.
Owen, S. G. (ed.) (1915), P. Ovidi Nasonis: Tristium Libri Quinque; Ibis; Ex Ponto Libri Quattuor; Halieutica Fragmenta. Oxford.
Swift, L. and Carey, C. (eds.) (2016), Iambus and Elegy: New Approaches. Oxford.
Chapters in edited volumes:
Hawkins, J. N. (2016), ‘Anger, Bile, and the Poet’s Body in the Archilochean Tradition’, in Swift and Carey (2016), 310–39.
Kennedy, D. F. (2018), ‘Dismemberment and the Critics: Seneca’sPhaedra’, in M. R. Gale and J. H. D. Scourfield (eds.), Texts and Violence in the Roman World. Cambridge, 215–45.
Journal articles:
Guida, A. (1994), ‘La condanna del ghiottone (Ipponatte fr. 128 West = 126 Degani)’, ZPE 104, 23–4.
Keith, A. M. (1994), ‘corpus eroticum: Elegiac Poetics and Elegiac puellae in Ovid’s Amores’, CW 88, 27–40.
Keith, A. M. (1999), ‘Slender Verse: Roman Elegy and Ancient Rhetorical Theory’, Mnemosyne 52, 41–62.
Please note especially the following points in the exemplars above:
• Entries are arranged alphabetically by author’s surname.
• Multiple items by the same author are arranged chronologically. Include the author’s surname and initials with each entry, not substituting a tab, three em-dashes, or other equivalent.
• Multiple items by the same author in the same year should be distinguished (both in the bibliography and the footnotes) by a, b, etc. attached to the year of publication (this last is not exemplified above): e.g. West (1984a), West (1984b).
• Use authors’ initials, not full given names, including a space between each initial if there are two or more.
• Initial letters of nouns, adjectives, and verbs in the titles of books, articles, and chapters in English should be capitalized. Those in French and Italian titles should remain lower-case. Normal German capitalization of nouns alone should be observed. Usual practice with other languages should be employed.
• Place of publication should be included, but not the publisher’s name.
• For edited volumes, the editors’ initials follow each surname when the entry is for the volume itself. When the entry is for a chapter within the volume, the editors’ initials precede each surname. (ed.) or (eds.)—not (edd.)—should be enclosed in brackets, even when preceding a bracketed year of publication.
• Year, volume number, and full page range should be given. Abbreviations should follow the style of L’Année philologique, including Ph for Philology, Philological, etc.
References in the footnotes will then appear in the form:
14 Keith (1999) 52.
15 Note Syndikus’ (1987: 123) discomfort: ‘Daß ein kultivierter Mensch wie Catull ein derart widerwärtiges Sujet als Wunschvorstellung aufgreifen konnte, ist im Grunde erschreckend und wohl nur aus den historischen Gegebenheiten seiner Umwelt zu verstehen.’
Please note especially the following points in the exemplars above:
• There is no comma following the bracketed year.
• If the author’s name is the subject of a sentence (vel. sim.) in the footnote, the page number should be placed inside the brackets, preceded by a colon.
Ancient sources
• Most single references to ancient authors and documents should be placed in the text inside brackets, rather than in footnotes.
• Please use the abbreviations in the fourth edition of the Oxford Classical Dictionary, supplementing this where necessary with Liddell, Scott, and Jones’ Greek-English Lexicon for Greek authors and the Oxford Latin Dictionary for Latin authors.
• Abbreviations for standard collections and reference works includeCAH 9.536; CAH2 10.420; CIL 6.29271; FGrH 115 F 225; PIR2 C 763; RE 4A.629–753; TLL 6.2878.16. The abbreviations in OCD 4 should be used for others too.
• Use Arabic numerals throughout, not Roman or (even for Homer) Greek numerals.
Miscellaneous points:
• BC/BCE/CE should appear after, and AD before, the number of the year. No full stops are used.
• Page, line, and date ranges should use en-dashes, not hyphens: e.g. Morgan (2010) 330–1; Cic. Off. 3.58–60.
• Page, line, and date ranges should use the minimum digits possible, except for:
o numbers in the teens, where the tens digit should be retained: e.g. Worman (2008) 126–7; Phoen. fr. 1.13–15 Powell; CPh 104, 213–16.
o date ranges BC/BCE, where both dates should be given in full: e.g. 196–194 BCE; 194–6 CE.
• Use serial (Oxford) commas where appropriate: e.g. Achilles kills Lycaon, Asteropaeus, and several Paeonians before his battle with the Scamander.
• Do not add an s to the possessive apostrophe at the end of a singular common or proper noun ending in s, regardless of pronunciation or number of syllables: e.g. Zeus’ thunderbolt, Gaius’ principate, Euripides’ tragedies.
• Greek names may be Latinized (e.g. Aeschylus) or written in Hellenizing transliteration (Aiskhylos, NB y for upsilon except in diphthongs) according to the author’s preference. The chosen system should be consistently applied except in the case of very familiar names (e.g. Homer not Homeros, Plato not Platon, Jason not Iason).
• For any other points, articles in recent volumes of Antichthon may be used as exemplars and the editors are happy to answer any questions.
Tables and Figures:
For a general guide please see Cambridge’s
guide for artwork/figures.
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Seeking Permissions for Copyrighted Material
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Publication ethics
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Supplementary materials
Material that is not essential to understanding or supporting a manuscript, but which may nonetheless be relevant or interesting to readers, may be submitted as supplementary materials. Supplementary materials will be published online alongside your article, but will not be published in the pages of the journal. Types of supplementary materials may include, but are not limited to, appendices, additional tables or figures, datasets, videos, and sound files.
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Where relevant we encourage authors to publish additional qualitative or quantitative research outputs in an appropriate repository, and cite these in manuscripts.
Policy on prior publication
When authors submit manuscripts to this journal, these manuscripts should not be under consideration, accepted for publication or in press within a different journal, book or similar entity, unless explicit permission or agreement has been sought from all entities involved. However, deposition of a preprint on the author’s personal website, in an institutional repository, or in a preprint archive shall not be viewed as prior or duplicate publication. Authors should follow the Cambridge University Press Preprint Policy regarding preprint archives and maintaining the version of record.
Competing Interests
All authors must include a competing interest declaration in their title page. This declaration will be subject to editorial review and may be published in the article.
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Authorship and contributorship
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English language editing services
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In order to help prospective authors to prepare for submission and to reach their publication goals, Cambridge University Press offers a range of high-quality manuscript preparation services, including language editing. You can find out more on our language services page.
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