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Review process

This journal uses a single-anonymous model of peer review. The author does not know the identity of the reviewers, but the reviewers know the identity of the author. 

Peer review / evaluation

In the ScholarOne Manuscripts system, authors are asked to suggest appropriate reviewers; this is strongly encouraged to help with the review process. Submissions may be checked for plagiarism by the Editor-in-Chief using plagiarism detection software.  Each submission is assigned by the Editor-in-Chief, based on its topic, to a Subject Editor, who is responsible for the peer-review process of the article. Authors may indicate a preferred Subject Editor during the submission process. The Subject Editor selects at least two reviewers and does not disclose their names unless explicitly authorised to do so by the reviewer. Information on the status of a submission can be checked directly by the authors through the ScholarOne Manuscripts system or by contacting the Editor-in-Chief. Depending on the reviewers, a manuscript will be returned to the author(s) for revision or considered unsuitable.

TCE Subject Editors’ Areas of Expertise for Submitting Authors

Cette revue utilise un modèle anonyme d’évaluation par les pairs (peer reviewing). L’auteur ne connaît pas l’identité des examinateurs, mais les examinateurs connaissent l’identité de l’auteur.