This article argues for the importance of focusing explicitly on the
construct of boundary disturbances in families to understand the
development of depressive, anxious, and
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in middle
childhood. Grounded in family systems theory, this study examined
traditional parent–child antecedents of childhood depression and
anxiety (hostile, controlling, and disengaged
interactions) in the context of the entire family as well as
enmeshed patterns, whereby one parent drew in the child by
turning to the child for caregiving or intimacy and excluded the
spouse, and balanced patterns, whereby all family members
expressed vulnerabilities and asserted their needs or desires. Mostly
White, middle-class mothers, fathers, and children were observed at
home interacting on a series of everyday tasks when the children were
24 months old, and mothers and teachers rated children's symptoms
of anxiety, depression, somatic problems, and ADHD at age 7. Regression
analyses revealed that, after controlling for maternal depression and
the effects of other family patterns, enmeshed family patterns forecast
children's depressive symptoms; controlling and disengaged
interactions predicted anxious and depressive symptoms; and hostility
forecast ADHD and somatic complaints. Intriguing gender differences
emerged. As predicted, whereas boys who experienced enmeshed family
patterns more often developed symptoms of ADHD, girls who experienced
enmeshed family interactions later showed symptoms of depression.This research was supported by Grant
SBR-9212990 from the National Science Foundation and Grant 3332 from
the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health. The authors thank the families
who participated in this study, as well as Lisa Steffeck who assisted
with coding the data.