What causes the increase in terrorism that reportedly often follows
government concessions? Given this pattern, why do governments ever
conciliate terrorists? I propose a model in which terrorist
organizations become more militant following concessions because only
moderate terrorists accept them, leaving extremists in control.
Governments nonetheless are willing to make concessions because their
counterterror capabilities improve because of the collusion of former
terrorists. Former terrorists undertake this collusion to insure the
credibility of government promises. The model also yields hypotheses
regarding the level of government investment in counterterror, when
moderates accept concessions, the terms of negotiated settlements, the
duration of terrorist conflicts, incentives for moderate terrorists to
radicalize their followers, and incentives for governments to encourage
extremist challenges to moderate terrorist leaders. The model is
illustrated with an application to the Israeli/Palestinian
conflict.Professor Ehud Sprinzak, who died
an untimely death on November 8, 2002, first introduced me to the study
of terrorism. He is greatly missed. I received valuable comments from
Scott Ashworth, Bob Bates, Mia Bloom, Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, Charles
Cohen, Eric Dickson, Amanda Friedenberg, Orit Kedar, David Lake, Macartan
Humphreys, Matthew Price, Todd Sandler, Ken Shepsle, David Andrew Singer,
Alastair Smith, and Matthew Stephenson.