In this paper, all numbers are real and all radicals are positive.
Let f(x, y) = ax2 + bxy + cy2 be an indefinite quadratic form, and let d = Δ2 = b2 − 4ac, where Δ > 0. A well-known theorem of Minkowski states that, if (x0, y0) is any pair of numbers, then there exists a pair (x, y), x ≡ x0 (mod 1), y ≡ y0 (mod 1), say (x, y) ≡ (x0, y0) (mod 1), such that
for k ≥ ¼, and Davenport has shown how this result may be improved if we know a value assumed by f(x, y) for coprime integral values, (x, y) = (m, n) ≠ (0, 0). In this paper, we discuss the more general inequality
where R and S are constants, and use the method developed in the first paper of this series to obtain a sharper and more general theorem than Davenport's. We give an application to the theory of real Euclidean quadratic fields and to a problem in Diophantine approximation discussed by Khintchine.