Aluminophosphate (AlPO4–5, AlPO4–11, AlPO4–17, AlPO4–20) and silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO-5, SAPO- 11, SAPO-17, SAPO-20) molecular sieves of varying pore sizes (3–8 Å) were synthesized and their water adsorption and desorption properties were studied. Water sorption isotherms of AlPO4 molecular sieves were characterized by unusual isotherm shapes, that is, little or no initial adsorption followed by extreme adsorption leading to volume filling by hydrogen bonding and cooperative interaction in micropores, apparently due to the nonpolar nature of pore surfaces coupled with weak (reversible upon evacuation) chemisorption of water, and hysteresis loops extending to very low pressures. Although micropore filling in AlPO2's and isostructural SAPO's was completed almost at the same relative pressure (p/po), SAPO's exhibited less extreme adsorption isotherms as a result of their slightly more polar nature of pore surfaces compared to AlPO4's. Neither AlPO4apos;s nor SAPO's exhibited Brunauer Type I isotherms with water, contrary to a general expectation of the hydrophilic microporous solids.