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Volume 59 - February 2000

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Meeting Report

International and Public Health Nutrition Group and Macronutrient Metabolism Group Joint Symposium on ‘Long-term consequences of growth perturbation in children and adolescents’

Plenary Lecture

Meeting Report

Animal Nutrition and Metabolism Group Symposium on ‘Regulation of maternal reserves and effects on lactation and the nutrition of young animals’

Meeting Report

Symposium on ‘Growing up with good nutrition: a focus on the first two decades’

Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism Group Symposium on ‘Clinical nutrition in childhood’

Meeting Report

Symposium on ‘Growing up with good nutrition: a focus on the first two decades’

Animal Nutrition and Metabolism Group Symposium on ‘Regulation of maternal reserves and effects on lactation and the nutrition of young animals’

Meeting Report

Symposium on ‘Obesity: genes, drugs and dietary treatment’

Symposium on ‘The ethics of food production and consumption’

Animal Nutrition and Metabolism Group Symposium on ‘Regulation of maternal reserves and effects on lactation and the nutrition of young animals’

Symposium on ‘Growing up with good nutrition: a focus on the first two decades’

Meeting Report

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