my verie good Sr, after my longe desyer to heare from yow I have now receyved two of yours (not missinge those yow have sent before), the one of the 16 of march, the other of the 28. so that I make account to have receyved all which yow have sent, as for answere to the first, be yow sure that albeit I begynne to grow dymme, yet when iust occasion forceth me, I will not omitt to visit yow with my letters, beinge not ignorant of the consolation that such correspondence bringeth widi it. for the sturre about the booke yow presented take yow no great thought, it can do yow no harme, neither need yow to prosecute that matter for your credit, for I do not conceyve yow have lost it by that means, the sturre about that point is not so great heare as I perceyve yow imagin, albeit one of Late of no small reputation hath once againe obiected the same unto me. but I am not moved ther with, but Lett such speeches passe, wherin I fynd much good, and therfor could wish yow wold also deale no more therwith. for I am told yt will but breed amongst us increase of combustions, your zeale against the oath giveth me great edification, and causeth me iustly to see what the generall opinion is in that place [word deleted], which by the grace of god I meane to hold so longe as I live. In that sense yow say yow are a frend to those of the Clinke, I am also a frend, and I thinke I have shewed the same in as good termes as any other of my brethren hath done.