My very worshipfull and Rev: S.r
Some few weekes past I receyved a letter of yours, wher by I perceive that from dyvers of your frends you had receyved letters, myne onelie you found wantinge, wherat some accidentall cause was to be feared & some errour committed by not delivery of our mutuali lettres, or that which is worse might be deemed, (which I dare say you never firmelie apprehended) that I ungratfullie & unkindlie behaved my selfe, in beinge unmindfull of my deare frends; but none of thes happened, as I take it in this defection: for the truth is I know not any certayne time sett downe when as your said frends ioyntlie writt to concurre with them but as time & matter do afford I do accordinglie, for when I find small subiect to make any relation upon I differ it somewhat longer, for about that time I wrot unto you, but some weekes after the date of those letters as I collect, & you er this may well perceyve. In thes bad daies manie thinges do happen to the undoing of many men, as searchinge, apprehendinge, imprisoninge, losse of goodes, & lyvelihoodes which do continew still as they have done many dayes & in some kind much worse, for the pursevantes are never quiet nor rest, but they searchinge or apprehendinge, & no Cath. they will let go without he redeeme himself for a round some of money if he or his frendes be able to make it. otherwise they would not ech one of them pay every six moneths threscore pounds for a new licence, as they do, & like gentlemen keepe men & geldinges, & be worth hundreth in a short time as some are, iste quaestus est nunc uberrimus. sed melius est modicum iusto, super divitias peccatorum multas.