A greater understanding of the factors that regulate weed seed return to and
persistence in the soil seedbank is needed for the management of
difficult-to-control herbicide-resistant weeds. Studies were conducted in
Tifton, GA to (1) evaluate whether glyphosate resistance, burial depth, and
burial duration affect the longevity of Palmer amaranth seeds and (2)
estimate the potential postdispersal herbivory of seeds. Palmer amaranth
seeds from glyphosate-resistant and glyphosate-susceptible populations were
buried in nylon bags at four depths ranging from 1 to 40 cm for intervals
ranging between 0 and 36 mo, after which the bags were exhumed and seeds
evaluated for viability. There were no detectable differences in seed
viability between glyphosate-resistant and glyphosate-susceptible Palmer
amaranth seeds, but there was a significant burial time by burial depth
interaction. Palmer amaranth seed viability for each of the burial depths
declined over time and was described by exponential decay regression models.
Seed viability at the initiation of the study was ≥ 96%; after 6 mo of
burial, viability declined to 65 to 78%. As burial depth increased, so did
Palmer amaranth seed viability. By 36 mo, seed viability ranged from 9%
(1-cm depth) to 22% (40-cm depth). To evaluate potential herbivory, seed
traps with three levels of exclusion were constructed: (1) no exclusion, (2)
rodent exclusion, and (3) rodent and large arthropod exclusion. Each seed
trap contained 100 Palmer amaranth seeds and were deployed for 7 d at
irregular intervals throughout the year, totaling 27 sample times. There
were seasonal differences in seed recovery and differences among type of
seed trap exclusion, but no interactions. Seed recovery was lower in the
summer and early autumn and higher in the late winter and early spring,
which may reflect the seasonal fluctuations in herbivore populations or the
availability of other food sources. Seed recovery was greatest (44%) from
the most restrictive traps, which only allowed access by small arthropods,
such as fire ants. Traps that excluded rodents, but allowed access by small
and large arthropods, had 34% seed recovery. In the nonexclusion traps, only
25% of seed were recovered, with evidence of rodent activity around these
traps. Despite the physically small seed size, Palmer amaranth is targeted
for removal from seed traps by seed herbivores, which could signify a
reduction in the overall seed density. To be successful, Palmer amaranth
management programs will need to reduce soil seedbank population densities.
Future studies need to address factors that enhance the depletion of the
soil seedbank and evaluate how these interact with other weed control