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- Contains open access
- ISSN: 0008-347X (Print), 1918-3240 (Online)
- Editors: Suzanne Blatt Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Kentville Research Centre, Kentville, NS, Canada, Dezene Huber University of Northern British Columbia|Ecosystem Science and Management Program|3333 University Way|British Columbia|Canada V2N 4Z9|, Lisa Lumley , and Amanda Roe Natural Resources Canada, Great Lakes Forestry Centre, Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada
- Editorial board
French translation follows/le français suit Published since 1868, this peer-reviewed bimonthly publication is the official journal of the Entomological Society of Canada. Available via the internet, its research papers and notes are relevant to entomologists and other biologists around the world. In addition to being a venue for topical reviews and forum discussion, The Canadian Entomologist publishes current research in all facets of entomology, including systematics and morphology, molecular and developmental biology, ecology and behaviour, biodiversity and evolution, insect management, entomological techniques, and other relevant subject areas. Contributions are published in English. Authors will not pay page charges, and will experience fast, high quality reviews of their papers.Publiée depuis 1868, cette publication bimestrielle avec comité de lecture est la revue officielle de la Société d’entomologie du Canada. Disponible sur Internet, ses articles de recherche et ses notes sont pertinents pour les entomologistes et autres biologistes de par le monde. En plus d’être une plate-forme pour des revues thématiques et un forum de discussion, The Canadian Entomologist publie la recherche actuelle sur toutes les facettes de l’entomologie, incluant la systématique et la morphologie, la biologie moléculaire et développementale, l’écologie et le comportement, la biodiversité et l’évolution, la gestion des insectes, les techniques entomologiques et d’autres domaines pertinents. Les contributions sont publiées en anglais. Les auteurs ne paient aucun frais de publication, et recevront une révision rapide et de grande qualité de leurs articles.
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The Canadian Entomologist blog

Introducing a Co-EiC Model to The Canadian Entomologist
- 21 September 2020,
- After consultation with the Entomological Society of Canada’s (ESC) Publications Committee and the ESC Executive Committee, we have instituted a new co-Editor-in-Chief Following an application process, we are happy to announce that Dr.…...

Meet the new editor of The Canadian Entomologist
- 12 January 2018,
- My name is Dezene Huber, and I’m a professor in the Ecosystem Science and Management Program at the University of Northern British Columbia in Prince George...

What’s killing the green menace?
- 18 August 2015,
- “The late Peter de Groot, a highly respected forest entomologist, likened the emerald ash borer Agrilus planipennis to the green wrestling persona of...
Entomological Society of Canada blog
2024 Board of Directors Nominations
- 05 March 2024,
- The Entomological Society of Canada is seeking enthusiastic members to take on leadership roles in the Society. A Director at Large and a Societal Director...
Volunteer positions with the Entomological Society of Canada Scholarship Fund
- 21 October 2022,
- Chair of the Fund The Entomological Society of Canada’s Scholarship Fund is seeking to fill the position of Chair of the Fund beginning in January, 2023. The...
Call for Artists! Boring Art: Celebrating Wood Boring Insects and the Wood They Love
- 02 August 2022,
- Outsiders and Others is seeking visual artists from Canada and the United States who’s artwork is focused on wood boring insects, wood, and/or the relationship...
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