Understanding wave kinematics is crucial for analysing the thermodynamic effects of sloshing, which can lead to pressure drops in non-isothermal cryogenic fuel tanks. In the research reported here, Faraday waves in a horizontal circular tank (partially filled with water) under vertical excitation are investigated. The tank geometry is referred to as a horizontal circular tank throughout, with its circular face oriented perpendicular to the horizontal plane. Firstly, this paper addresses the eigenvalue problem through linear potential flow theory, in order to provide theoretical evidence of Faraday waves in horizontal circular tanks, the impact the density ratio has on the eigenvalues is then considered. Secondly, an experimental investigation testing multiple liquid fill levels is conducted. A soft-spring nonlinear response is demonstrated throughout the parameter space. The results showed larger sloshing amplitudes for low fill levels and smaller sloshing amplitudes for high fill levels. Asymmetry between anti-nodes at the container sidewalls and through the tank centreline are evident for low fill levels. Moreover, the sloshing wave amplitude at which breaking waves occur is smaller for high fill level conditions. Finally, period tripling was observed for all fill levels tested, confirming nonlinear mode interactions before the onset to wave breaking.